Her Gorgeous Pearly Whites

And the unique story behind them

Photo by Michael Dam on Unsplash

Now that my DoorDash hobby seems to be drawing to a close, I find myself in search of constructive activity to fill the void. So today, I Googled the real name of an escort I used to know just for fun.

With many of my old clients, I never knew their real names for a reason of course. The girls didn’t want me or anybody else in the business following them around or blackmailing them with the insider info the women didn’t want their families to know. But this girl was a good friend — and even a love interest — though the feelings were not particularly mutual.

Most of the ladies on my elite roster of advertisers were suited to their calling. Which is to say they weren’t cut out to succeed in any other realm but the obvious. Some became agency owners (madams). Some found sugar daddies to marry. And some died of drug overdoses. Such are the realities of the biz.

But this girl, though not a rocket scientist, had something going on between her ears. If anybody could succeed in the mainstream business world, she would be the one.

I lost touch with my friend more than two decades ago and thus, never got the full story. But I do know she found Jesus — and a trick who got her into the real estate hustle. And now she appears to be a success.



William Mersey
Everything You Wanted To Know About Escorts But Were Afraid To Ask

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."