Rumor: Lauren Boebert Has Breast Implants and Was Once a Paid Escort

Is anybody surprised?

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert in tight turquoise dress with a confrontational expression on her face
Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Lauren Boebert, elected congresswoman from Colorado, is at once an incredible embarrassment to all humanity and a testimonial to how far down the hopper the American electorate has truly descended. Did the voters in Colorado actually elect this woman? Yup! Almost unbelievable but true.

Once again Lauren has made the news after getting thrown out of a theater for vaping in a pregnant woman’s face, singing loudly along with the performance, taking numerous selfies with a flash while the show was going on, and (drum roll), fondling her new boyfriend’s crotch in response to his “feeling her up.” Such a class act.

Through all this, the overarching question is: Would you have sex with Lauren Boebert?

I know I would. She’s kinda hot, actually. Granted, rumors say she has breast implants — a turn-off for some guys (including me). But I think I could clear that hurdle. I’ve had a couple of paramours with fake breasts and managed all right by concentrating on their more natural qualities.

The rumor about Boebert’s fake boobs comes from ex-employees of her bar (“Shooters”) who claim that while stiffing them on their paychecks, Lauren bought a…



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Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."