Small Dick/Cum Quick

The apple of an escort’s eye

Photo by Chris on Unsplash

In a world where everything is about big, bigger, and biggest, men who utilize the services of sex workers can take comfort. Your servant would much rather you be small, smaller, or smallest than the other extreme.

Think about it this way: A girl can have just so much sex in a day before her tank empties and she’s forced to tap out. The wear and tear on her entire body (not to mention strategic areas) is palpable. Twelve hours of rest is paramount before she can climb back on the horse.

In fact, madams and managers I knew would often complain about or laud employees based on how many men they could handle in a shift before raising the white flag in surrender. One tireless Asian girl who took ecstasy every workday and never wore down was named “Roboho” by her colleagues out of respect for her stamina.

All this is why when it comes to size and duration, escorts are enamored with the old “small dick/cum quick” guys much more than their studdley counterparts. And it figures. They can handle a hundred of those guys while just one killer can put a girl out of commission for the rest of the day — or even send her to the hospital (which did happen occasionally). Anecdotes in that realm were of course, not all that rare.



William Mersey
Everything You Wanted To Know About Escorts But Were Afraid To Ask

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."