Trans Thugs in the House

Sandbagged by an escort site

photo by author (This is Mahogany, my dissatisfied trans client. As you can see, she wasn’t a diminutive withering flower.)

Some of my less intelligent friends used to think running an adult ad agency and escort blog was a dream job every man longed to have. They had no idea that getting all the ads in on time with accuracy and tending to the whims of some very demanding clients was an endlessly stressful way to turn a buck. As I used to say, “The job is 99% grind and 1% fun.”

Part of what made the job so difficult lay in the incompetence of the media outlets to which I’d forward the girls’ ads. The Village Voice for one, was infamous among my colleagues for omitting submitted advertising. If you want to know what a pain-in-the-ass a sex worker can be, try fielding a call when she sees the ad the girl paid for didn’t appear in the paper when it was published. Not fun! And they always treated me as if it was my fault — which it rarely was (I didn’t make a lot of mistakes). That hardly mattered.

As the industry moved from print to the internet, the situation eased in that realm. Corrections could always be made instantly on the web whereas they were etched in stone in a newspaper or magazine. But still,, an emerging leader in the field, created some major headaches for ad agents owing to the speed with which they did not post submitted advertising.



William Mersey
Everything You Wanted To Know About Escorts But Were Afraid To Ask

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."