VFX of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2023

I have always loved the Harry Potter series, I grew up watching them. Always found it relatable and calming to go through the life story of Harry Potter. But one thing that I have recently picked up is the amount of Visual Effects in the movie and how seamlessly they tie into the story.

I have a short list of all the images I had to screenshot and then bring you along in the journey of the Visual storytelling that was incorporated into each of these shots. That made it spectacular in the end. I also want to make a CG replica of all, if not the most important ones and see how close I can re-create it.

Train Scene: Landscaping + Visual Smoke
Room reconstruction: The famous time-lapsing in reverse
Paper burning: My personal favorite!
Seamless cute creator on Ginny Weasley
Potion Making going wrong: Calm Fire Simulation
Another favorite: Burning leaf
Pensieve Story Telling — Fluid Ink Simulation
Static Hair while floating from a curse
Basic: Floating Artifacts
Animation of Marauder’s Map
Inverse Sand Clock — Simulating Quality of the conversation
Impeccable Lighting
Underwater fire fight scene

These are just some of the most amazing and gripping visual effects in the movie. There are more scenes such as the duel between Harry and Malfoy in the boy’s bathroom that had amazing fluid simulations, and I am sure many more.

The main reason to document all of these effects here is just to serve as a reference and inspiration to create visual effects.


I am currently learning a visual effects software called Houdini. While I have been having a blast learning a lot of cool effects and nodes in the software. It can get pretty overwhelming, and it would be great to have a north star to follow. For anyone wondering, what I have created so far. Here are a couple of my works -

Floppy Flowers — Velocity Fields — FLIP Fluids — PyroFX

Please stay tuned for I will try and replicate some of the iconic VFX scenes from this amazing movie and share the results. Meanwhile, if you too are learning a tool and figuring out unique ways to grow, I would highly recommend starting here —




I am a millennial, sharing my thoughts on life, education and career. I want to share my experiences and teach you at the same time I learn myself.