‘Climate of the Hunter’ is a beautiful, high-camp domestic-horror melodrama about vampires [Chattanooga Film Fest Review]

A review of the new film, on the Chattanooga Film Festival now

Eric Langberg
Everything’s Interesting


From May 22nd to 25th, the Chattanooga Film Festival is streaming its lineup over the internet for cheap. I’ll be reviewing films from the fest all weekend!

I had never heard of Mickey Reece before yesterday, when I decided to check out his new film Climate of the Hunter at the Chattanooga Film Festival. Apparently he lives in Oklahoma and has averaged 2–3 movies a year since he started directing in 2008, made for very little money, starring mostly local actors, and, for the most part, exhibited only locally. Climate of the Hunter played last year at Fantastic Fest and went over rapturously, causing Reece’s profile to grow exponentially in certain corners of the Internet.

And after watching the film, it’s easy to see why: it’s phenomenal.

Climate of the Hunter is a sumptuous, sensual, high-camp domestic melodrama about two sisters named Alma and Elizabeth (like the sisters in Persona), both lonely, both aging what they hope is gracefully, both stuck in a country vacation house in the woods, each driving the other mad. A handsome man from their past comes for a…



Eric Langberg
Everything’s Interesting

Interests: bad horror movies, queering mainstream films, Classic Hollywood.