A Broken Dream, A Glorious Future Awaits

Awais Ali
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2024
Photo by Leo Bayard on Unsplash

I’ve always dreamed of pursuing my post-graduation in Business Administration. I applied to Hailey College of Business and Commerce at Punjab University. I took the entry test not once, not twice, but three times. Yet, despite all my efforts, my name never made it to the merit list. The competition was fierce, and there were only so many seats. After the first and second attempts, I was disappointed, but I still had hope. But today, when I checked the merit list again and saw that my name wasn’t there, something inside me shattered.

I had spent hours in two-hour-long online classes, fueled by the dream of success. I worked so hard because I believed in that dream. But now, it feels like all my efforts have been in vain, like everything I poured my heart into was for nothing.

I couldn’t bring myself to eat breakfast today. My heart felt too heavy. Then my mom came to me, her voice soft and comforting, and said, "When one door closes, Allah opens many more." She added “Allah is the best Planner Awais. He must have plan something special for you.”

I put my head into mom’s lap and tears begin to come out my eyes. I never felt such disappointment in my life. I have to accept it and move forward.

My pain reminded me of the hardships of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) A.S. endured immense hardships throughout his life, but each trial led to a brighter future. Betrayed by his brothers, he was thrown into a well and later sold as a slave. Despite his innocence, he was falsely accused and imprisoned. Yet, through patience, faith, and unwavering trust in Allah, he eventually rose to a position of power as a ruler in Egypt. His journey is a profound example for all human being. Enduring hardship with faith can lead to great reward and honor, Allah has glorious plan for all of us.

I’m failed in getting admission in my desired institute but I’ll never give up on my dream. I reminded myself that patience is key. Just as Prophet Yousaf (Joseph) A.S. faced hardships with patience and have in Allah Almighty. I believe future lies something glorious for me. Every closed door is an opportunity towards better future. I would explore all the opportunity in this journey of self development.

Moreover, I am thankful to my family and friends who always trust my abilities. Thanks to my mother who didn’t let me fell into the well of disappointment.

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny." ~ C.S. Lewis

