
Rachel Gordon
Indivisible Movement
2 min readFeb 1, 2017


Please? I’d feel SO much safer.

They want to impose their laws everywhere. They want women to be unequal and under their control. They obviously care more about their “God” and wealth and power than other human beings. Sure, some say they’re democratic, but look at their “elections” — riddled with irregularities and voter suppression. They hate free speech. It’s just so… backwards.

I know White men say they don’t all believe the same thing; there are so many of them in the world, after all. But it’s just so obvious how dangerous they are. Mass killings, rape, disregard for laws and human decency — no one in America is more guilty of these things than White men. Our borders have been so porous for so long; if they’d been secured earlier (say, 400 years ago?), so much carnage would have been prevented. It might not have come to this.

No offense to the White men I personally know. You seem like good people. I mean, it’s hard to know what you really believe, since you belong to a group that obviously wants to destroy everything I believe in, and is so violent and hateful toward people who don’t think like you. How am I supposed to know who to trust? How do I know where your loyalty really lies, when it comes down to it? I’d just feel a lot safer knowing we’ve finally taken a stand to #BanWhiteMen, to secure ourselves against this menace.

I know some people will be inconvenienced. Too bad. It’s simply obvious that this is the only step we can take that will truly guarantee our security, and the safety of our core American values of freedom and equality for all.

Now is a time to act decisively, to be strong in the face of all who threaten us. And we know who the threat is.

Looking to do your part? One way to get involved is to read the Indivisible Guide, which is written by former congressional staffers and is loaded with best practices for making Congress listen.

