Healthcare: Tale of Two Visions — One for the People, Another for Corporate Profits (UPDATED)

Jack Watkins
Indivisible Movement
4 min readMar 24, 2017

After seven-years of demonizing ‘Obamacare’ the GOP is on the verge of a narrow, legislative reversion to a totally profit-based healthcare system.

In the aftermath of a highly contentious 2016 president election, with a new Republican president — currently under siege and under criminal investigation; and with the lowest approval rating (37%) in history, for a new president — the Republican-majority House of Representatives has reached a political milestone,…or a millstone around their collective necks; determined to enact a repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA), and replacement with the Paul Ryan-crafted American Health Care Act (AHCA),…despite it having only 17% support in recent public opinion polls, and 56% opposition.

At the heart of their difficulty in enacting this dramatic change from a government-involved, taxpayer subsidized (for low income people) healthcare system, is the so-called “Freedom Caucus” which is essentially opposed to any government regulation of the uniquely American “for-profit” healthcare system, and opposed to any government subsidies designed to expand coverage to those Americans unable to purchase meaningful (i.e., comprehensive) quality healthcare insurance.

President Trump made repeated promises — while campaigning for the presidency — to repeal and replace “disastrous” Obamacare with something providing better coverage, at lower cost. He repeated the promise at numerous rallies, to provide Americans with a healthcare plan he described as “something really terrific,” while claiming the process would be ‘quick and easy’ at the same time.

“Trump, at an October 2016 rally, said; “My first day in office, I’m going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You’re going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it’s going to be so easy.” (VIDEO)

Now, however, despite the promises and despite the 60-votes in the House to repeal Obamacare, passed but never endorsed by the Senate, nor signed into law; the inexperienced new president has issued an ‘ultimatum’ — vote today on the badly-flawed Ryan-written plan, or he will allow Obamacare to remain, and simply ‘walk away,’ turning to other matters on his agenda: e.g., Tax Reform, to further gut federal revenue and further “deconstruct the administrative state” (Video)…per Trump’s political mastermind, Stephen Bannon.

Vice President Mike Pence leads male-only talks on eliminating Maternity Care from the AHCA

Noteworthy, in all the machinations and backroom deal-making and arm-twisting, is the last bit of sweeteners offered up to the Freedom Caucus: the elimination of what was required under the ACA: minimum coverage requirements that individual healthcare plans offer “essential health benefits” to consumers of those plans,…just as those basic services are mandated (in large-employer) plans under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)

A compromise floated by President Trump is to split the essential coverage from individual policies only. This would be a much bigger disaster. Large companies have better bargaining power and can negotiate richer benefits for their employees at lower prices, plus under ERISA law, large employer plans are required to have essential benefits.

Small group plans are governed under states, and each state is very different in how they look out for their citizens. Small groups don’t have the negotiating power of large groups, so coverage of essential benefits such as pregnancy will likely be very expensive and they won’t feel compelled to offer insurance. Individuals have no bargaining power at all, and it will become difficult to find coverage for certain problems such as pregnancy or mental health care.” (Forbes)

The entire debate is now focused on one fundamental question: Do the American People demand that American Healthcare — in whatever form — provide meaningful, comprehensive medical services and care to all its citizens or,…does the corporate-controlled Republican Party finally legislate restrictions to such healthcare, only to those who can best afford the expense of plans offered up by the “for profit” healthcare industry…?

A decision largely borne out of “cruel double standards” and one which threatens to leave tens-of-millions without any meaningful coverage, and without any hope of ever attaining the same quality of life as wealthy Americans — relative to personal and family health; wellness; and longevity. Indeed, leaving them totally at the mercy of healthcare frauds and charlatans, now waiting in the wings to re-enter the healthcare market, and offer their substandard plans to gullible consumers, unprotected by laws (regulation), newly repealed by the Republicans.

UPDATE (3:30 PM ET, Friday, 3/24/17): House Speaker Paul Ryan has pulled the proposed AHCA from a formal vote in the House of Representatives and, along with a defeated President Trump, has accepted — for now — the realization they have failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and that it remains “the law of the land.”

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Jack Watkins
Indivisible Movement

Freelance Journalist, Progressive Activist. Ret. labor relations professional. Former USAF Intelligence Analyst. Twitter @jaxonlee7