How Betsy DeVos and Greed Will Bring Down Michael Flynn and Trump

jeff kisseloff
Indivisible Movement
3 min readFeb 11, 2017


If you remember Watergate, you’ll know that the worst thing the Democrats could do would be to demand the firing of Michael Flynn, have Trump acquiesce and order Flynn to clean out his desk and be done with it. That would be the equivalent of putting all the blame for Watergate on the hapless burglars and letting Nixon go scot free. Flynn was talking to the Russians all year. It’s clear they were arranging the hacking and that the call in December was the payback. The idea that he was some kind of lone wolf is ridiculous. This goes right up to Trump, and he has to resign or face a criminal investigation.

But here’s the thing, up to now the Republicans have refused to oppose Trump because he’s been their cash cow — and of course that precludes any kind of real investigation of a growing list of crimes. But there’s a reason why it’s so obvious that these people have shit for brains, and it’s going to cost them bigly.

There’s no better example than the way they handled the DeVos nomination. Because she is going to destroy our public schools and piss off an overwhelming majority of American families, that nomination will do more than anything to turn this country against Trump and the GOP. If they had been smart and let one or two more GOP members join the Democrats and vote her down, then agree to replace her with a moderate, this Flynn thing might go away. But now it won’t because it’s going to kill any remaining good will that there was for them. And it’s going to get worse as they go after every sacred cow in American public life: first education, then the ACA and Medicare, then clean air, and then product safety. Wait till pajamas start going up in flames again. Meanwhile, more refugees are prevented from entering the country, and beginning now, night after night of news broadcasts and social media will start showing families being broken apart as members are loaded into trucks and taken across the border. The latter two are core issues that go to the heart of how Americans want to see themselves — as decent, humane people. The optics from all these actions are twenty times worse than anything Richard Nixon put out in his lowest, rottenest days.

Within weeks, I think, Trump’s popularity and the GOP’s is going to be in the teens. And if the polling numbers don’t convince them, the town hall meetings sure will that if they don’t go after Trump, they’re going to fuck themselves, so it’s going to be him or them, and they’re just enough on the brighter side of moron to realize that for the first time in their political lives they’re going to have to do the right thing. Donald better get himself a nice warm winter coat and one of those heavy furry hats, because he’s going to end up in Siberia.

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jeff kisseloff
Indivisible Movement

author of three oral histories: on TV, New York, and on the '60s; next book on the Hiss case