I’m an Immigrant Against Immigration, But Not Like This.

Sam Lit
Indivisible Movement
3 min readFeb 8, 2017

I came to this country in 1992 as a refugee from Soviet Union. I love this country and thankful for the opportunities it gives me. My parents were able to make a good life here thanks to their education in Soviet Union and allowed me to make a good life.

This good life made me realize that the chance I got was racist and my immigration was used to undermine the upward mobility to rise for millions of Americans. A new bill was proposed today to solve this. On its face it seems to solve the problem but it won’t. Reading the bill shows that it will limit the immigrants who should come here (the poor and the refugees) and keep the flow of those who shouldn’t (the wealthy and educated from wealthy countries) who act as a pressure relief valve to keep Americans poor.

We don’t have a problem with poor people taking jobs from the poor, we have a problem of rich immigrants that allows for a horrible education system that keeps the poor poor.

I’m for limitation of immigration because I feel that it creates brain drain on other countries and creates a system where we don’t have to train our poor by bringing in educated people from abroad creating a system of repression.

This new bill by Tom Cotton does nothing to solve my concern. This bill keeps away the people who should come like the refugees and the poor and keeps the flow of people who go and work in high tech and white collar jobs who undermine the pressure to reform education to push more poor people into middle class.

Now I don’t think we should end all white collar first world country immigration, we should limit it just enough to put pressure on our country to fix the education system because our country changes when it has to. It will feel pressure when our high tech companies don’t have enough engineers and finance people and will have to educate the poor to create those workers as we did during Industrial Revolution. So we should limit it for a time in a smart way and bring it back once we see upward mobility being created.

This bill does not do that . This proposed bill is racist, it is classist and a continuation of a white dominance America with poor people around the world not having an opportunity to come here and for poor Americans to not have a chance to become better.


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