Let’s Not Forget ….

Gary Pfeiffer
Indivisible Movement
3 min readFeb 1, 2017


While we are fixating on whatever crazy, appalling thing just happened in Washington, let’s not forget:

— We are still waiting for the promised Senate investigation into the Russian election hacking in support of Trump.

— We are still waiting for the FBI investigation into contacts between Russia and Trump’s campaign.

— We are also still waiting for the FBI report on whether the Russian file of Trump in compromising positions (pun intended) is real.

— We are still waiting for the formal investigation into how 3–5 million illegal votes were cast in favor of HRC and no one, but Trump noticed.

— We are still waiting for the General Services Administration to decide what to do with the now illegal lease Trump has on his DC hotel.

— We are still waiting for Trump to file the documents giving management authority over his businesses to his sons as he promised.

— We are still waiting for the SEC to decide whether Tom Price illegally traded the Pharma stock which he boosted with his legislation.

— We are still waiting for De Vos to explain the plagarism on her ethics filing (oh, the irony of it all.)

— We are still waiting for the court hearings on the “ban; no, its not a ban” of immigrants and refugees from all the majority Muslim countries where Trump does not own a hotel or golf course.

— We are still waiting for an explanation as to why the White House insisted that the ban apply to legal residents.

— We are still waiting for the results of the FBI Inspector General investigation into whether Comey’s last minute interference into the election was an abuse of office.

— We are still waiting for the mainstream media to fire anyone who spoke ill of Trump during the campaign (as demanded by Kellyanne.)

— We are still waiting for a believable explanation about why the announcement recognizing the Holacaust failed to mention a single Jew, let alone the 6 million slaughetered.

— We are still wondering why the first executive order raised the cost of buying a new house for everyone, most especially Trump’s voters.

— We are still waiting to hear the “wonderful” new plan Trump has to replace Obamacare with something “so much better, that covers everyone”.

— We are still waiting to hear how Trump will get Mexico to pay for his beautiful wall. (The only idea he floated would actually tax U.S. citizens who buy goods from Mexico.)

— We are still waiting for an explantion about why Trump wanted to fire and replace all the independent Inspectors General.

— We are still waiting fro Trump to stop breaking the law by using his personal Android phone and Twitter account.

— We are still waiting for Trumpo to release his tax returns.

Wow! And we are not even through week 2 yet.

My guess is that this list is going to get a lot longer before it gets shorter. Our challenge as citizens is to not be distracted but to demand closure.

After all, if Trump really does “drain the swamp”, maybe he will go down the drain with the rest.

Looking to do your part? One way to get involved is to read the Indivisible Guide, which is written by former congressional staffers and is loaded with best practices for making Congress listen.

