Look over there, it’s Trump

James McGrath
Indivisible Movement
2 min readJan 23, 2017

What is it about Trump that fills us with hate? That such a man, who seemingly has the decency of a frat boy and the decorum of a dictator, can make it into the world’s highest seat of power.

It’s not fair, is it?

Well, if anyone needed any reassurance that life isn’t fair then this is the slap in the face they needed.

From a young age I understood that life isn’t fair. My primary school headmaster drilled it into us during assemblies. He said all this back in the 90’s. Maybe he foresaw the rise of Donald Trump? Or maybe, just maybe, his understanding of life — gained through his many decades living on this planet — is that life must go on despite its unfairness. Preparing us all for a life full of unfairness and lies is the best he could do. So he did.

For all the unfair things happening in the world right now, this probably sits low down on the list, because, quite frankly, Donald’s done barely anything yet. He’s only just become president.

What Trump has done, however, is to become a whipping boy for the press. The thing with Trump is that he is the face of inequality. This world we live in today is unjust, unequal, full of corruption, riddled with lies, nepotism — everything that diminishes the soul. And Trump is an embodiment of all those things. So why is everyone so surprised he won the election? And why are they continuing to be outraged every step along the way? Like they didn’t see it coming. What he’s now getting inaugurated? WTF. Shut the back door… and so on and so on…Let’s protest.

Protest all you like. I doubt very little will change. If anything it will strengthen the wall around the Trump camp and make them stand firmer and stauncher.

Don’t get me wrong, I do admire the show of unity a protest brings. I think it’s more important for the people in it than it is for the efforts in changing anything at the top. It ensures that people — the individual protestors — know that they’re not alone, because, let’s face it, no one likes to think they’re in battle alone, or, indeed, not supported in any way.

Perhaps one day there won’t be kids starving in Africa, or children dying from war in Syria, but for now, let’s just focus on the Trump presidency, shall we? It’s much more entertaining…………..



James McGrath
Indivisible Movement

I write a bit’a this and a bit’a that. More that than this. Capiche?