Mueller’s Mission. What Trump Needs to Know, Now!

Richard Mathews
Indivisible Movement


By Richard Mathews —

I hope somebody reading this knows somebody who can get this information to President Donald J. Trump.

Contrary to representations by Democrats, most of the Main Stream Media and the Political Elites, Robert Mueller, III knows successfully prosecuting an, “Obstruction of Justice,” case against the President of the United States in all but the rarest of circumstances would be a fool’s mission.

Robert Mueller, III is no fool.

In point of fact, Robert Mueller is arguably the most experienced career intelligence federal law enforcement prosecutor in America.

A man who was charged with investigating how the “9–11–2001,” attack had occurred.

A man who fully understands the political implications which can develop in doing an investigation stretching across both American political boundaries as well as diplomatic restrictions in gathering international intelligence sources.

A man whose integrity in preserving the security of such information gathered has been commended by politicians on both sides of America’s political spectrum as well as by governments across the globe.

In short, until named Special Counsel of the commonly termed, “Russian probe,” few had ever questioned his integrity at alone the work product of any investigation Robert Mueller had completed.

That representation of fact is why, Deputy Attorney General Robert Rosenstein requested Robert Mueller take on the role of Special Counsel the day after he turned down the job of becoming the new F.B.I. Director.

Rosenstein’s argument for Mueller taking over the investigation caused Mueller to again put his country’s needs in front of his own welfare, personally and financially.

Rosenstein told Mueller what every United States Intelligence Agency had independently concluded, “Russia had again attempted to influence America’s election process.”

That factual statement in and of itself was not sufficient to convince Robert Mueller to take the job.

It was only when Rosenstein shared the information gathered on how Russia was influencing our election process and where the funding to do such came from that Mueller agreed to become Special Counsel. He had never been allowed to fully engage in World War III — Russia’s Cyber War against the West-during his investigation of the 9–11–2001 attacks. This was a chance to finally bring Putin and his Allies to if not Justice at least limit their ongoing campaigns against the very institutions of global democracies.

It was and has always been the primary mission of the Mueller investigation to uncover the extent, participants and funding sources of Russia’s influence in our election.

This is why, President Trump’s lawyer, Ty Cobb has for nearly a year attempted to fully cooperate with the Mueller investigation.

Cobb unlike other members of his team understands, “Robert Mueller intends to limit if not end Russia’s influence in future American elections. While he will seek justice on those who committed actual crimes, he is not trying to convict the President of the United States of any trumped up charge.”

Now for all of America who dearly wants to see President Trump impeached, I am not trying to burst your bubble. But impeachment is a process constitutionally left to Congress.

Robert Mueller is not nor was ever hired as Special Counsel to be a lap dog for, “Never Trumpers,” or his Democrat opponents.

The best support of that contention has actually been supplied by Conservative Publications and originally presented by Conservative electronic media as Mueller built this investigative team pulling together the most experienced private sector legal minds in America.

If you look at his lead investigators their biographies read like an All Star team of what is generally termed White Collar crime lawyers. Men who have uncovered fraud and money laundering schemes for decades successfully convicting those individuals.

Robert Mueller’s investigation is attempting to bring to justice traitors to America who sold out our country for in some cases millions and worse access to the reign of power.

Accidently a small group of the later individuals uncovered the worst kept secret of the F.B.I. disclosed in a tweet parsed, “…..I’m not interested in the Mueller investigation…..there is probably nothing there.”

To the completely naïve such as GOP House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes or Tea Party Champion Rep. Jim Jordan, that statement proves the President innocent of collusion.

To anyone who read the underlying intelligence documentation, it was a factual admission, the F.B.I. had already confirmed money laundering ties from certain individuals who were eventually charged so why get involved.

There is a reason the 2002 Patriot Act made Fincen — Fianacial Crimes Enforcement Network — an independent Bureau charged with investigating SARs — Suspicious Activity Reports - from now over 47,000 financial institutions.

Robert Mueller is not a fool nor does the F.B.I. waste time attempting to correct the statements of the intellectually ignorant even when they are members of Congress.

Robert Mueller if the President agrees to be interviewed is only hoping to confirm what other witnesses have already stated. Confirm, who within his campaign had direct interaction with Russian officials, Russian surrogates and Russian or Russian Allies who paid them for their services such as Gen. Flynn’s interactions with Turkish interests.

There is no, “Witch Hunt.”

The F.B.I. and America’s Intelligence Agencies for years have known Russia was attempting to meddle in our elections as well as others across the globe. Effectively, this counter intelligence investigation has decades of evidence to draw from.

The actual, “Fake News,” has always been, Robert Mueller believed he would build a bullet proof case for, “Obstruction of Justice,” by President Donald J. Trump. That blame should be placed firmly where it belong with the Main Stream Media who continues to make record profits from Advertising while further dividing America.

This investigation focused on tracing the billions of dollars Putin and his associates have illegally laundered out of Russia the past two decades. Unfortunately, once again actually reporting on that fact would require investigative journalism which no longer exists in America.

The investigation has always been focused on bringing to justice those it could prosecute for participating in this process even if it includes lobbying organizations such as the N.R.A. and Political Actions Committees.

It has always been focused on reigning in the propaganda Russia could spread across both our Main Stream Media and Social Networks. It took a public Congressional Investigation to alert America, Russia owns at least 10% of Face Book’s stock. It also disclosed the fact Russia has populated its Social Media platform with a minimum of tens of thousands of fake sites.

In other words, Robert Mueller has been and continues to attempt to do what we should have been doing since this War on Democracy began, fight back against Putin.

Now do me a favor, tell President Trump the actual facts.

Mueller is trying to save American Democracy.

The President needs to know.

Semper Fi.



Richard Mathews
Indivisible Movement

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