Outside of Trump World the Immigration Ban Makes No Sense

Richard Allen Farrell
Indivisible Movement
3 min readFeb 2, 2017

No doubt those living in Trumpdom feel safer now that there is a travel ban, albeit temporary, on seven predominantly Muslim nations in the Greater Mid-East, but information suggests this step will change almost nothing, at least not for the good. Is Trump snuffing out the torch of the Statue of Liberty?

The way this executive order was turned out shows the difference between promising the moon on the campaign trail and actually doing something in real life. The president executed his order without having developed a practical plan to implement it. So, when actually rolled out, the order promoted only chaos.

Homeland security officials were flummoxed. People already approved to enter the country were halted in airports everywhere. Green card holders, international employees of US based companies and even US citizens traveling abroad were detained, as well. The demonstrations and law suits that inevitably followed resulted in a temporary stay of the order.

It’s no way to do business, Mr. Businessman.

Even if the administration had engaged in careful pre-planning, the resulting policy still doesn’t make sense. Trump’s ban punished the good guys and excused the very governments which harbored the terrorists who have attacked us.

According to statistics tallied by the conservative-leaning Cato Institute, “not a single American was killed on U.S. soil by citizens from any of those countries between 1975 and 2015.” Most of the terrorist killings in this country were committed by natives of the Muslim countries not banned.

Saudi Arabia was home to 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers. So, why isn’t it on the banned list? Well, let’s look at the geography of Trump’s assets around the world. The Daily News makes an argument that Trump’s decision might well be affected by the fact he has various business interests in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the UAE and Egypt and no obvious important investments in the seven nations banned.

Another potential reason for this division has to do with Trump’s obsession with authority, his own and others’. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt are all run by strong men who hate and fear Iran. I imagine Trump thinks these are guys he can work with, like his buddy Vlad. Just a thought.

But back to reality.

How dangerous has terrorism made life in America in 2017? The Cato Institute estimates we each have about a one in 3.64 billion chance of getting killed by a terrorist with a much, much better chance of just getting shot by any good ol’ American who just doesn’t like us. About 80% of the terror related deaths after 9/11 have been committed by American citizens who have become radicalized, not by foreign nationals. Travel bans aren’t going to stop that.

This travel ban, as with most of Trump’s policies to date, is nothing but a show for his base. He has gained power by playing to people’s fears and resentments. Creating a terrorist hysteria has perpetuated his dominance as the only one who can “save” us. This executive order shows Trump’s supporters he will make good on his promises.

…..even if they make no sense to the rest of us.

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Richard Allen Farrell
Indivisible Movement

Work in education and horse racing and seven decades of American life and the rise of Trump to reflect on.