Profile of Stephen Miller — Another ‘Dark Figure’ Lurking in White House Shadows

Jack Watkins
Indivisible Movement
4 min readFeb 12, 2017
Trump Senior Policy Adviser, Stephen Miller, 31

Even Joe Scarborough, a rather partisan, conservative observer seems to detest Donald Trump’s Senior Policy Adviser — young, brash Stephen Miller. A guy he has — more than once — advised should be fired for being a co-architect of some of the really serious governing and messaging missteps in the early days of the Administration; claiming Miller is on a serious “power trip.”

‘Coffee Joe’ cites Miller’s youth (31) and inexperience as being a real drag on the Donald, who nevertheless loves to surround himself with such cranky sycophants and America First ideologues. For once — gasp! — I heartily agree with Joe Scarborough. Miller is seriously in over-his-head as a now influential White House ‘policy wonk’ — with little to no practical governing creds, nor meaningful work experience.

Stephen Miller was born and raised in Santa Monica, California, a liberal suburb of Los Angeles. I note that he is also a graduate of my old high school, Santa Monica High (Go Vikings!), but left his Democratic family’s FDR values far behind, in the dust — after being converted to conservatism by Wayne LaPierre’s book: “Guns, Crime, and Freedom.” Yes,…that Wayne LaPierre!

Miller attended Duke University, along with his buddy, Alt-Right (Neo-Nazi) wunderkind, Richard Spencer (he of the punchable face), where he became known — according to one former Duke University vice president — as being “incredibly intolerant” of the ideas of others. His work résumé includes holding a succession of jobs pursuing Reich Wing ideals, most notably as Michele Bachmann’s press secretary, and then, Jeff Session’s communications director.

So, remarkably — with such an, ahem,…‘broad, well-rounded body of life and work experience’ to his credit — he’s now suddenly advising our new, politically-inexperienced, ethically-challenged President on things like immigration policy, when;

“As a young conservative in liberal Santa Monica, Calif., Stephen Miller clashed frequently with his high school, often calling in to a national radio show to lambaste administrators for promoting multiculturalism, allowing Spanish-language morning announcements and failing to require recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.” (Washington Post)

For being a Jewish guy, raised in a Democratic family; I find his nativist, neo-fascist political views rather disturbing. But apparently that sort of baggage merely endears him to our ‘so-called’ President, and his Rasputin-like Political Director, Bannon…the other ‘Dark Stephen’ now helping steer our ship of state.

Meanwhile, his initial ‘step out of the shadows’ test-the-waters venture into the political limelight, on the Sunday talk shows, didn’t recommend the guy as being anything other than: “incredibly intolerant.” On ABC, he ran into a testy cross-examination from George Stephanopoulos (VIDEO), wherein he was challenged on Trump’s “Fake News” claims about massive voter fraud and millions of “illegal immigrants” voting in the 2016 Presidential Election,…absent any credible evidence! Miller’s even testier defense of those fraudulent claims earned him “Four Pinocchios” from the Washington Post.

In addition to that awkwardly ugly star-turn; his ‘roll out’ introductory appearances on several other shows merely enhanced the storm of inquiry and disbelief over those obviously scripted, teleprompted performances — by this now close confidant to our grossly-inexperienced, alarmingly intemperate president. Yet another flawed character in a whole grab bag of poorly vetted Reich Wing ideologues,…this one with an attitude.

As someone very concerned about the current direction of the United States of America, I strongly recommend you click on the links provided and read up on this very young, very influential, very combative figure who is now helping shape national and international policy and messaging for the new Administration. But don’t take my word for it,…Read up on some of his own controversial writings, for a better understanding of his extreme views. Then ask yourself,…what could possibly go wrong…? And continue to RESIST!

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Jack Watkins
Indivisible Movement

Freelance Journalist, Progressive Activist. Ret. labor relations professional. Former USAF Intelligence Analyst. Twitter @jaxonlee7