The Difference Between Trump’s, Pelosi’s, and Schumer’s Connection to Russia

Hunter Graves
Indivisible Movement
2 min readMar 4, 2017

After a shocking revelation that Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath about any meetings with Russian officials, government officials and citizens alike are in an uproar. This comes after the leak several weeks ago that some of Trump’s top aides were meeting with Russia during the span of Trump’s whole presidential campaign.

President Trump, angered by the sudden uproar against him and his administration over Russian ties, posted this tweet:

Several hours after this tweet, Donald posted this:

These two photos are an obvious attempt to rebut the claims that Trump has several ties to Russia. Yes, it is true, both Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi has met with Russian diplomatic officials (including President Vladimir Putin), however, the difference between Trump’s aides’ meetings and elected officials’ meetings is huge.

Nancy Pelosi covers the basis of this article:

The difference between these meetings is that Trump’s aides met with Russians secretly, whereas Pelosi and Schumer met with Russians in the view of the public eye.

As for Jeff Sessions, the problem isn’t as much that he met with Russians (although that is a big deal), the problem is that he lied about it. The question isn’t if Sessions lied, it’s why did he lie?

President Trump doesn’t realize the difference between the meetings, sadly. Trump just wants to investigate all of his political opponents because they disagree with him. This isn’t the first time Trump has threatened to investigate his political opponents. During the campaign, Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail several times, showing the public that Trump is has an authoritarian side.

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