The Resistance of ‘We the People’ Must Persist! It Will Amplify & Never Retreat.

Jack Watkins
Indivisible Movement
4 min readFeb 23, 2017
Spelling out the Resistance message, Ocean Beach, San Francisco, California

As nationwide, thousands of congressional constituents express outrage; the Far Right is determined to demonize and quash all dissent of Donald Trump.

The Republican Party is — for now — quite giddy, filled with electoral hubris, that they now hold all the levers of the Federal Government (save a 4–4 split on the Supreme Court, but also about to be tilted in their favour). Yet they are also ‘fear-stricken’ with the sudden, unanticipated fact that they must now actually govern a nation badly divided; beset with demanding challenges, both foreign and domestic.

In fact, this weekend, many ‘luminaries’ of the Far Right will be celebrating their control of government at CPAC 2017, where conservatives will be treated to speeches by President Trump, and many others now in his cabinet or in his inner circle of woefully inexperienced political extremists. A remarkable turnabout, considering that many in that same group threatened a massive walkout, had Trump — never a traditional conservative — attended the event last year.

One major hurdle they are struggling to overcome, however, is that their party’s new found hold on the presidency is rife with public suspicion and distrust — both over the manner of their badly-tainted, Russian-assisted win; and the initial presidential overreach of a mentally unbalanced demagogue who alienated large segments of the electorate to win,…while continuing to dismiss and denigrate all those who view him as anything other than America’s preordained savior and absolute, unchallenged leader.

The current raucous “town halls” hosted (or avoided) by fearful Republican senators and house members are rather instructive in that regard. Rather than accept that many of the policies and programs supported by a man who lost the total popular vote by 10-million ballots cast, are vastly unpopular — they are, nevertheless, pursuing the most anti-science; anti-government; antisocial; environmentally-destructive policies imaginable; and with the most radically-conservative presidential cabinet in modern history.

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Former Senator, Jim DeMint (R-SC), who left the Senate to become president of the Heritage Foundation, the notorious Right Wing “think tank,” has joined the chorus of naysayers who claim that the current outrage, and town hall passion expressed by ordinary Americans are actually well-organized demonstrations, heavily-funded and orchestrated by establishment Liberal groups and wealthy power-brokers, like billionaire George Soros.

Incredulously, DeMint, and others on the Far Right, now asserting this claim, are also differentiating these spontaneous demonstrations from what they call the “grass roots” Tea Party Movement, despite all the evidence of the massive funding given that movement by Right Wing donors and well-heeled Conservative groups! Indeed, there are several GOP-run state legislatures which are actually proposing legislation to criminalize these new anti-Trump demonstrations,…accusing many of those demonstrating as troublemakers, or worse; while joining Herr Trump in denigrating all media criticism as “Fake News” — to the detriment of, and outright threat to the First Amendment and our uniquely American ‘Freedoms’ of Speech and the Press!

At the center of many of these demonstrations is the very real angst over the prospects of upwards of thirty-million Americans losing their healthcare, once the GOP repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA),…without any meaningful replacement healthcare plan, or as President Trump repeatedly promised; “Something really terrific.”

Also being expressed, are very real concerns about Trump’s many, many conflicts of interest, and refusal to honor his campaign promise to release his tax returns; as well as demands for a non-partisan commission to fully investigate the Russian cyberspying intrusion into the 2016 election, and what — if any — collusion occurred between the Trump Campaign and Russian intelligence operatives.

These very real concerns, by tens-of-millions of Americans will not go away Mr. President,…Rep. Ryan,…Sen. McConnell; nor should the active Resist Movement — gathering increasing steam — surrender, retreat, nor lower their voices. Moreover,…an angry Iowa pig farmer, pleading his case to Senator Chuck Grassley, is not some paid, outside-agitating Liberal . He is just one of 320-million concerned and hardworking citizens who want, and demand a fair and just Federal Government. One that works for everyone, not just for a corporate elite and the top one-percent.

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Jack Watkins
Indivisible Movement

Freelance Journalist, Progressive Activist. Ret. labor relations professional. Former USAF Intelligence Analyst. Twitter @jaxonlee7