About Evidence Of…

Evidence Of
Evidence of…
Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2019

Who is Evidence Of… For?

Evidence Of… is for those who dream of sharing their creativity with both like-minded people and with the world. It is specifically designed to showcase both the breadth and depth of our work, and most importantly to inspire others to do the same!

This is a platform for those creatives looking for a place to publish their poetry, stories, their art, and musings about both the benefits and challenges of the creative life of multipotentialites and everyone who is envisioning more for their lives. This is a place to connect with others who are on the same journey.

What Is Evidence Of… Looking for?

Photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash

The Basic Rules for Submissions

  1. We prefer drafts fresh off the keyboard. That way we have the chance to work with you and polish the piece if need be, plus it gives your story more time on our front page. It’s better for you and our readers. Win, win!
  2. One submission per week per writer, maximum. We want to give everyone a chance to share their words and this will help vary the featured stories.
  3. The editors are more curators than proofreaders. It is the writer’s responsibility to send high quality, proofread work.

The Content Guides

  1. Evidence Of… articles focus on the struggles and joys of being creative, and Being a Creative with many, many interests. Share engaging stories that help others take control of their careers and lives, or help readers to feel they are not alone in their struggles.
  2. According to successful writers & publications in Medium, the best articles tend to have helpful personal examples, interviews, research, high-quality data, etc.. We want our articles to be useful as evergreen content to help people for years to come.
  3. Stories and poems can be any genre. We simply want you to show off your best creative work.

Ideal story length

We prefer to publish articles and stories between 900–2,000 words. Medium has researched the ideal story length and found a sweet spot with a 7-minute reading time. (Obviously for poetry, this doesn’t apply.)

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Article Example:


More guidance on formatting:


General Content Guidelines:

It’s very important that you become familiar with Medium’s content guidelines and rules. For example:

  • You may not sell advertising in or on your member-only content.
  • The predominant purpose of a story should not be to drive traffic to an external website, business, or product.
  • If you have received compensation, free goods/services, or anything of value in connection with the topic of a story, you must make this clear.
  • Similarly, you must disclose affiliate links (e.g., Amazon affiliate links to a book). For example, you can put this line at the top of your story: “Disclosure: This story contains affiliate links.”
  • Do not ask for claps or include other calls to action, including gifs of clapping, requests for donations, or other links or embeds for the purpose of capturing user information or soliciting money.
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

What We Don’t Want

  1. Articles that stray too far from our focus of being creative, how art and life intersect, or the ‘art’ of living.
  2. Excessive spelling and grammatical errors.
  3. Stories that are not fully developed or are missing a plot or point.
  4. Stories that were published in other Medium publications. Again, we have to play fair.

How To Submit?

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Respond to this post!

  1. Simply respond to this post saying that you’d like to write for us. We’ll have a look at your previous work and be in touch!
  2. If you are already a contributor you can submit via the “…” drop down menu and choosing Evidence Of… from the ‘Add to publication option’. You can find the drop down button when you’re editing the story at the top right hand corner.

Remember to submit *before* you hit ‘Publish’!

Before you submit it’s a good idea to:

  • Choose a pretty picture from somewhere like unsplash.com and with site credit. Tip: Make the picture large, it looks better as a thumbnail.
  • Add some tags so we can more easily schedule content.

What to Expect

  • You should receive a response in about 2–3 days. Sometimes 4–5 depending on life. We hope you understand and know we are excited to read your submissions.
  • If you don’t hear back within this timeframe, feel free to submit to another publication.
  • We may suggest changes to your story to make it the best it can be and we might fix little typos we catch or problems with formatting.
Photo by Dev Benjamin on Unsplash

Please Do

  • Highlight, comment, share and respond to stories you love on Evidence Of….
  • Respond to comments on your article or stories.
  • Subscribe to this publication to get updates.
  • Have fun!
Photo by Daniela Mota on Unsplash

Please be sure to always ask if you have any questions. Evidence Of… is a place for you and we want to know what you think, even if it’s just to say hello.

Feel free to ask us any questions you have.

