A pile of Time.

The Turning of a New Year

Heather U-K
Evidence of…


Technically, the idea of time as a definable “thing”, is a human concept.

Sure, there is the inexorable forward progression of time (at least that we know of); the turning of the planet, the rising and setting of the sun, seasons changing, the process of aging, etc. We can see “time” at work all around us. This is, without a doubt, an observable fact.

But we started defining and structuring time. The words of seconds, minutes, hours, months, years, etc, are ours. We needed this language to describe the phenomenon that we could already observe.

And the ideas that we don’t have “enough time in a day” or have “too much time on our hands”, are ours. The idea that January 1st is a whole new year, full of new things to plan and do, is also entirely ours.

I think as Multipods*, we might especially be prey to this aspect of time — Beginnings! We have so much we feel we must do, what we need to do, what we want to do, so many ideas and goals and this and that and doing it all smooshed together or one at a time or side by side and then add this thing and that thing and… whew….!!!

And THIS year is the year that I shall manifest all the Things!

The Firsts

January 1st on a Monday!

If you’re like me, sometimes you like to wait for those beginnings to do anything. “Firsts” are like serious crack to me. I remember how much heaven I was in when there was a January 1st, first of the new year and first of the month, that fell on a Monday, first of the week.

That’s some serious “Firsts” right there.

Of course, the mighty and bold plans I had cooked up for myself lasted a bit longer than they usually do, about a month. Not very long in the scheme of “when is another massive dose of “Firsts” going to roll around again?”

While I still feel the serious pull of “Firsts, it has taken me a long time to start to realize that I don’t really need to wait for a “First” to roll around. Maybe it used to be the thrill of those Beginnings, or that it was easier to remember and record “how long” from a First, but something has changed.

Tracking Is Easier Now!

With the advent of digital technology and many excellent tracking apps and software, you really can start whenever you please. The digital thingie will not only keep track but will even let you know when you’ve hit anniversaries of Beginnings, let you make notes of how things were when you started and ended them or how they are still going.

There aren’t any excuses anymore.

Because maybe that’s what Firsts are really about. Doing Stuff is hard. Motivation, energy, structure to organize one’s self doesn’t just grow on trees. It can be hard enough as a Specialist but imagine if you have TEN serious loves you want to keep a real hand in.

It’s quite easy to let multiple things slip through the cracks with the future promise of “Well, on Monday, or the first of next month or on January 1st, or whenever, I’ll really do that/those Thing(s)”.

But You Don’t Have to Wait

Just Start Now!

I remember a meditation teacher saying to me upon my question, “But how do I get my mind to focus?!” — “Just go Sit.” And so… What would it be like to “start” right now? No big plans, no Firsts, just go do it. Just go “Sit”.

Does this thought bring up excitement, dread? Does the desire to plan it all out and wait for a First to roll around come up?

If you fell out of your grand plans and felt, “Oh well, now I’ve failed.”, what would it be like to just pick it up in the next couple of days and continue on? (I think this is where we get in real trouble with “resolutions”; we feel we have failed once we break these and then we ultimately quit).

You don’t have to wait for Firsts; you don’t need grand plans. Sometimes, you don’t even need plans. You just need to act, you just need movement. I know this is so much harder said than done, but really, you don’t have to wait for a First to roll around.

You don’t have to “fail” or “quit” anymore. Just keep moving. Let your digital thingie keep track, let your heart and your curiosity be the guide. Just Start Now.



Heather U-K
Evidence of…

I’m a MultiPod with a penchant for writing, creativity, Integral/AQAL, video gaming, Systema, crafts and other artistic endeavors, and learning.