Why Being a Multipotentialite is helpful when coping with issues like Social Distancing Distress

Thrive Foster
Evidence of…
Published in
5 min readApr 21, 2020

The Covid-19 Pandemic has come with a wave of social distancing that is putting a lot of distress on many of us. For people who have spent their lives pursuing only one passion, the lockdown has become a barrier to do what makes them feel alive especially when the resources required to see through such passions cannot be managed from home. For most multipotentialites* however, social distancing comes as a chance to pursue that one side passion they(we) have been postponing all along.

What can you do during this time of social distancing if you cannot work on your particular passion? or How can you take advantage of this time if you are not able to pursue a particular passion?

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Introverted Tips

Establish a daily routine

Introverts love perspective. Since you are used to spend most of your time alone, you can now easily plan ahead.

If staying at home is all you are doing, establishing a pattern of daily tasks and framing them towards the bigger picture goal for the post-social distancing life can be an advantage and rewarding. For example: engage in healthy habits that keeps the spirits up.

Photo by Bannon Morrissy on Unsplash

Learn a new skill

You might not know how long social distancing is going to last. It might just be enough time to learn a little skill. Probably one that might help with reinforcing your passion? If it can be done from home, why not give it a shot? Sometimes a “bite” is all that it takes to develop an appetite for something good or be surprised by an enticing flavor. You might never know what other talents you have harboring within you. This could be the perfect time to unleash them.

Learn a new skill
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Blog to express yourself

Perhaps talking directly to people is not quite your thing. But that does not rule out you need to be heard as a human. This could be the perfect time to share with us all the observations that you have been accumulating in the middle of busy days and your awesome ideas. Blog about what you love. Tell us about your struggles and the need to find time to express yourself. You might be awed of how much of a writer you are. You shall go back to pursuing your passion after the pandemic, (if that is your desire,) but for now, we would love to hear your side of the story. You are the voice we have been waiting for!

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Extroverted tips

Join an online forum

Don’t get the health tip wrong. Social distancing might be misleading. You don’t need to distance yourself socially to be safe from the pandemic. You need physical distancing. You can still see people. You can still connect socially. Join an online forum with like minded-people, look for common interest and share your jokes, stories, and experiences. Reconnect with the child within. Take this as an opportunity to blow off some steam from work and relax. Enjoy the other side of small talk. Meet new strangers and expand your social scope.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Video Chat

Not a perfect substitute, but to have a better experience interacting with people you cannot meet physically, go for a video chat. Instead of phone calling friends and relatives, interact with them via video call. Get to see their faces and show each other around. Share personal projects. Play a game together. There is no telling to what you can do together over a video call. Get creative.

Volunteer on a hotline

So, you really need to talk to people that much right? Why don’t you use that positive energy to make the world a better place? While some people are continuously being anxious with the impact of the pandemic, having someone to talk to might just be all they need to feel relieved. You could be that someone. Be that someone.

Photo by Arthur Osipyan on Unsplash

Create a social medium platform to connect

Set up a social medium handle or page where you can create content to engage others. Allowing comments to your content can bring forward the interactions that you so crave. Social media has seen increase in usage as the physical distancing continues. Take advantage of that. By the end of the day, you might as well generate alternative revenue.

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

Being extroverted gives you a competitive edge here as you are open to a wide range of topics of discussion. Creating engaging content should not be much of a problem for you. On top of just the fun stuff, you might as well be saving lives by sharing tips on how to stay safe from the Covid crisis

Get to know your neighbors

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Do you know your neighbors? I do not mean knowing them by name. I mean actually knowing them. Their personality. Who they are? After being caught in a busy world of traveling around the world, why don’t you take this opportunity to actually know how awesome your neighbors actually are? Meet them, greet them. As you get to know them, remember to observe physical distancing, wear a mask, don’t touch your face, and have your hand sanitizer close-by.

Finally, stay safe. Remember, the virus won’t move if we don’t take part in moving it. Observe social distancing.

*Multipotentialites: people who are committed to pursuing multiple passions throughout their lifetime because they do not have one true calling.



Thrive Foster
Evidence of…

I’m a Multipod with passions in Psychology of Learning, Architecture, Technology, Poetry and Music. I love writing about Learning and Positive Thinking.