5 Reasons to lift weights (not only to build muscle)

Evidenced Fitness
Evidenced Fitness
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2017

Lifting weights is usually associated with people looking to increase their muscle mass. It is not very common to hear of someone that lifts in order to improve his/her health. The masses do not associate this type of training with health, that spot is usually reserved for aerobic exercise. We have found several studies that conclude that lifting is an excelent choice to improve one’s health.

Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

According to a new study published by Harvard University, men who regularly participate in weight training or resistance training may be able to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. These researchers also found that weight training in conjunction with aerobic exercise has a greater effect since men who performed over 150 minutes of aerobic exercise and also performed at least 150 minutes of weight training each week reduced their risk by 59 %. (1)

It is one of the best forms of rehabilitation

A study compared a rehabilitation physiotherapy program with an overall strength training program in patients with low back pain. After a year, the overall strength training program was as effective as the special physiotherapy program to relieve pain and disability. (2)

It is one of the best ways to burn fat

A recent systematic review of 143 studies concludes that pure strength training is more effective than resistance training or even a combination of strength and resistance training for fat loss. This is mostly due to the fact that you can increase your metabolism permanently by increasing muscle mass. (3)

Increases longevity

Being fit not only protects against diabetes, but also reduces levels of chronic inflammation and corrects the hormonal imbalances produced by fat tissue. In addition, other studies found that lifting weights can improve cardiovascular health and that muscle mass is positively associated with longevity. (4)

Increases bone health

Lifting weights is one of the best ways to strengthen not only the muscles, but the bones. In a study of 37 older women, this type of training was found to improve bone mineral density by 6%. This makes it an excellent way to combat osteoporosis and fractures. (5)

If you want to reduce your risk of diabetes, increase heart health, burn fat faster, get out of a faster injury, live longer, have healthy bones, and look better while improving your health, lifting is for you.

