Basic clinical research in Stata

A step by step guide for the Clinician using the Framingham cohort

Santiago Rodrigues Manica


By Kaboompics .com from pexels

This short exercise shows some simple concepts on biostatistics using the specialized software Software (in this case we are using Stata15, but the syntax should work with other versions).

After completing the installation open your Stata. Then go to the console and try the following exercises:

NOTE: For all commands, the italics (like “age” inside summary(age)) represent the variable name, which can be replaced anytime

1. Open dataset

We are going to extract a publically available version of the Framingham heart study from

First Download the file to your computer

Then go to Stata and open the file via the following options (this is the easiest way)

File -> Import -> Text data (delimited, *.csv…)



Santiago Rodrigues Manica

Physician, epidemiology enthusiast, and entrepreneur. Fueled by curiosity and challenge. @R_M_Santiago #Lisbon #CSRTprogram #HMS