Posit (RStudio) Tutorials

Getting proportions (%) in R shouldn’t cause you a headache

Solution: Crosstable function for posit (RStudio)

Santiago Rodrigues Manica
Published in
6 min readNov 2, 2022


Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Are you tired of trying to get relative frequencies (percentages %) in R. There is a function for the package “gmodels” that can help make your life easier; Crosstable( ).

This tutorial uses an example from clinical research (the Framingham Heart Study) as the perfect example.

First steps

First go to https://www.r-project.org/ to download R and then, to https://rstudio.com/ to download the RStudio environment (based on R). All are freeware.

The Framingham Heart Study cohort is the longest-running clinical cohort (from 1948). This cohort focuses on cardiovascular disease and risk factors in the general population.

After completing the installation open your RStudio? Then, go to the console and try the following steps

Open and attach the dataset

We are going to extract a publically available version of the Framingham heart study from;




Santiago Rodrigues Manica

Physician, epidemiology enthusiast, and entrepreneur. Fueled by curiosity and challenge. @R_M_Santiago #Lisbon #CSRTprogram #HMS