Logistic regression using Stata

6 simple steps to design, run and read a logistic regression analysis

Santiago Rodrigues Manica


From Pexels by Lukas

In previous tutorials, we approached basic descriptive statistics. Now, we will take the next step, inferential analysis using regression to study association.

In this tutorial, we will run and interpret a logistic regression analysis using Stata.

In this tutorial we will cover the following steps:

1. Open the dataset

2. Explore data

3. Make a research question (that can be answered using a logistic regression model)

4. Running and reading a simple logistic regression

5. Running and reading a multiple logistic regression

6. Answering our research question

Before we get started…

For more on descriptive analysis using Stata check this post



Santiago Rodrigues Manica

Physician, epidemiology enthusiast, and entrepreneur. Fueled by curiosity and challenge. @R_M_Santiago #Lisbon #CSRTprogram #HMS