BCDT is live!

Another major milestone has been reached today

2 min readNov 22, 2018


Another major milestone has been reached today by our development team with the publication of the first live BCDiploma certificates! These certificates have been issued by Chain Accelerator as part of the end of the first batch of startups hosted at Station F from April to October.

We are proud to share our own certificate with you! Click on the image:


This link will allow you to discover visually the implementation of the BCDiploma and EvidenZ concepts.

  • On the first page, the certificate data is formatted in a way that can be completely customized by the customer, allowing him to highlight his brand and graphic layout, in a multi-device and responsive mode.
  • The second page is a summary of the certified data: which data, by whom.
  • Finally, the 3rd page lists all the Blockchain proofs used by EvidenZ to certify the data.

About this, some tokens have been burned to issue these certificates, can you find in which transaction ? We will publish an article detailing this process soon. Stay tuned and join our Telegram group!

