Ozone Layer Depletion

Emily Ramos
Evironmental Issues
5 min readFeb 19, 2019
“Keep the ozone from becoming the no zone”

The ozone layer is a colorless gas which is found in the Stratosphere, encircling the earth that we live in. The layer of ozone gas acts as a shield for the entire earth from ultraviolet radiation that comes from the sun. The ozone layer adsorbs these harmful radiations from entering the earth atmosphere, that could either injure or kill ecosystems and human health. Ultraviolet radiations are high energy electromagnetic waves, produced by the sun. Thanks to the stratospheric ozone that protects the Earth from these awful rays.

Now you may be wondering what exactly is happening to the ozone layer? As we know the ozone layer is a shield to help protect us from are the harmful ultraviolet radiations entering into the Earth’s atmosphere. However, multiple factors have led to depletion and damage to this layer. Two of these factors are Chlorofluorocarbons and Halons, both of them together can cause a chemical reaction that can break down the ozone molecules. These two man-made compounds can be the main cause of the depletion of our protective layer.
Contain in these compounds (Chlorofluorocarbons and Halons) are multiple elements that can make the ozone into the No zone. In Chlorofluorocarbons, there are: carbon, chlorine, and fluorine, and is producing methane and ethane. While in halons is a mixture of unreactive gaseous compounds of carbon with bromine and other halogens.

Health-related Issues
Without the ozone layer, it could cause major impacts on human beings, for example; environmental issues and a number of health-related issues. The fact that the ozone can cause major problems towards the earth is horrific thoughts and feelings.

Skin cancer
The exposure from Ultraviolet rays can increase the risk of containing skin cancer. In the basic definition of skin cancer is an abnormal growth of skin cells, most often develops on the skin from the sun. Statistics say that one in every five American develops skin cancer, imagine the number of people if there was no ozone layer.

Eye Damage
Just like skin, the ultraviolet rays are harmful to the eyes as well. The direst expose from the sun rays can lead to cataract problems and Photokeratitis (also called snow blindness). Cataract causes clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. Photokeratitis is a sunburn in your eyes caused by ultraviolet rays.

Immune System
Our immune systems are highly sensitive to ultraviolet rays. The increased exposure from the sun can cause the immune system to weaken and even impairment of the immune system in extreme cases.

Aging of the Skin
No one likes to feel or look older, but without the ozone layer that will all change. Mostly because of the UV rays can lead to the acceleration of the aging process on the skin. This can make a person look a whole lot older than what they actually are. Another fact is that this can cause photoallergy which can result in an outbreak of rashes in fair skin people.

In other words, the exposure of UV rays causes difficulty to survive on the planet that we live in. The health of humanity is all depending on a colorless gas in the stratosphere, that’s insane.

Environmental Issues

The UV rays aren’t done in the health of humanity, it will affect the environment of the entire planet. Without the ozone layer, our world will perish.

The life form of different species is affected by the ultraviolet rays from the sun. The life cycles of the animals change every step from the hampering the growth and development into deformities. Decreasing immunities, even retinal damage, and blindness. Extinction will rapidly increase by the cause of ozone depletion.

Ozone depletion has an adverse effect on the ecosystems on the earth. For example, the marine ecosystem, the whole perspective of how an ecosystem works change the definition. Whether if the ozone layer disappears, in the marine ecosystem, it mostly affects the plankton which plays an important role in the food change. Radiation will slowly kill off the nature of what is the Earth.

The UV rays affect can alter the time of flowering in some plant species. As well it can alter the plants’ growth by the physiological and development process. The physiological defines as a branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their plants. Plants will die under the difficult situation caused by radiations,

Global Warming and Climate Change
Ozone depletion leads to a decrease in the stratosphere, this will soon increase the ozone into the lower atmosphere. The ozone presented in the lower atmosphere is considered as a pollutant. This contributes to global warming and climate changes; the depletion will have a rising sea level and climatic changes around the world.

The stratospheric ozone will not only affect regions, but it will affect the entire world. The increasing levels of UV rays lead to a high rate of multiple issues, two of them being the human race and the environment. The ozone layer is improving and will continue to improve with many years to come. Here are a couple of solutions to repair the damage of the ozone layer.

Limit fossil fuel powered transportation
Multiple of the transportation network use greenhouse gas emissions that the USA produce. By terminating the burning of fossil fuels, we remove the gases that interfere with ozone production. For example, by using public transportation to work or school can drive the ozone to repair itself.

Renewable energies
Coal-fired power plants help endure acidify our oceans and contribute combustion-related CFCs into the ozone layer. By turning off these power plants and use renewable energies, this might help the stratospheric ozone to recover. Such as solar or wind can allow the layer to recover.

Recycle whenever possible! For this reason, it will save energy and encourages the planet to heal as well as the ozone layer. Getting recyclable products increases our chances in not only having a healthy planet but healthy stratospheric ozone.

Most of these solutions for ozone depletion can be easily done, but in order to decrease ozone depletion, we must be willing to adapt to these changes. We must take care of this planet because we only have one, future generations are depending on us.



Emily Ramos
Evironmental Issues

Most of my writings are for my honors English class.