Introducing the Evmos dApp Store: A Paradigm Shift for App Marketplaces

The Evmos Blog
Published in
8 min readJan 16, 2024

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the Evmos dApp Store on January 24th — exactly 40 years after the introduction of the Apple Macintosh as shown in the iconic 1984 ad — a groundbreaking development that signals a new era in decentralized application distribution. The Evmos dApp Store is not just a storefront; it represents a community-driven, transparent, and permissionless ecosystem that disrupts an old structure of ownership.

Our mission is to revolutionize monopolized application marketplaces that concentrate their control in the hands of a single entity. With the dApp Store launch, we are shifting ownership from a single entity to the community, breaking the duopoly.

On January 24th, Evmos will introduce the dApp Store. And you’ll see why 2024 won’t be like “1984”.

Rethinking App Marketplaces

We have grown accustomed to the current app distribution model — centralized marketplaces have been the norm ever since the advent of user-friendly applications. They come pre-installed on new devices, and we automatically open them when in need of a new app. With all the conveniences, it is easy to forget that a system where the entire marketplace is controlled by two entities is not sustainable. This model disproportionately benefits the duopoly and is inherently unfair to developers and users alike, treating users merely as commodities within the marketplace, and stripping away their ownership. Recent court cases (State of Utah v. Google LLC, Fortnite (Epic Games) v. Apple Inc., UK’s Competition and Markets Authority, Cameron et al v. Apple Inc*.,* among others) and trends underscore the growing need for an inclusive and decentralized platform where both users and developers are empowered to build a sustainable and fair app marketplace.

Consider the scale: there are over 2.8 billion Android users worldwide who essentially have no alternative but to use Google Play. Apple Store and Google Play can enforce the rules of the game since they control a large share of the app marketplace industry. They can thus fully dictate which user gains entry to the app marketplaces, which app gets listed, and how much fees they charge. They extract up to 30% of developers’ revenue as a distribution partner, plus additional fees for listing and reviewing apps. Despite the control they have, the transparency of revenue payouts and advertisement fees remains uncertain. Apple’s App Store advertising model allows you to set a maximum budget but does not provide a breakdown of how the ad budget is used. This requires developers to trust Apple’s algorithm.

Now, imagine an app marketplace free from these issues. A dApp Store where you have a clear understanding of every process, allowing you to make informed and conscious choices. The launch of Evmos’ dApp Store turns this vision into reality.

Evmos dApp Store — a Vision of a Fair, Transparent, and Community-Owned Platform

We present to you an app store that will be fully community-owned, transparent, fair, and permissionless.

There will be no gatekeeping in the Evmos dApp Store. It is open for anyone to join and list dApps, while users can jointly choose and use any application without restrictions. The decision-making process will be decentralized, with no single person or entity holding authority. Our vision for the dApp Store extends to encompass decentralized user interfaces (front end). In this model, the community plays a pivotal role by deciding and voting on the applications listed by the front end, and the code will be then executed on the Evmos blockchain as a direct outcome of the community’s collective decision-making through voting in governance proposals. Moreover, the community will decide whether to share the advertising fees among EVMOS stakeholders, provide community-owned liquidity, or burn them.

Without centralized entities, developers can fully own their revenue. The Evmos dApp Store operates on a revenue-per-transaction model, where developers receive rewards each time a user engages with their dApp within the dApp store — with full transparency. This approach fosters fairness and provides everyone with equal chances for success.

User-Centric Experience

Now that we’ve clarified the mission and role of the Evmos dApp store, what is actually in it for our users?

At Evmos we are obsessed with providing the best user experience. With the growth of the web3 ecosystem in the last few years, the onboarding experiences have improved. However, as the number of dApps has increased, users have encountered the paradox of choice. While presenting multiple options may seem conducive to satisfaction, the abundance of choices can overwhelm users and make decision-making more challenging. This is particularly true for newcomers to web3, who face the daunting task of learning about various aspects such as wallets, staking, lending, centralized and decentralized exchanges, governance platforms, and more. The questions arise: “Where do I begin? How do I learn? Is this app safe? And how can I ensure I don’t miss out?”

To address these concerns, we’ve thoughtfully categorized the dApps so users can use filters while exploring the ecosystem. Our goal is to assist users in navigating the vast world of decentralized applications effortlessly and safely. With detailed categories and descriptions, onboarding to web3 has never been simpler, allowing users to learn and explore the decentralized space with ease. Finding solutions tailored to your specific needs has never been simpler, and the dApp Store enables you to discover new tools that you might not have been aware of before. We also plan to implement a community-driven ratings and reviews system for dApps. This will empower users to share their experiences, providing valuable insights to help others navigate the diverse options available within the Evmos dApp Store.

A standout feature within the Evmos ecosystem is the introduction of “Instant dApps” — applications accessible directly from the Evmos dApp Store. This is particularly important for cross-chain dApps. With Evmos’ latest technology — Outposts, it is now possible to access the functionality of other chains from Evmos in a single transaction. Coupled with Instant dApps, this creates a powerful and unique user experience that web3 hasn’t seen before. No need to juggle multiple tabs or reconnect to different networks. With a simple click, you can seamlessly leverage the functionalities of the Evmos ecosystem, all in one place.

One of the first Instant dApps featured in the Evmos dApp Store will be Stride — one of the largest liquid staking providers in the Interchain ecosystem.

Stride Outpost: Liquid stake your tokens on Stride in one transaction — directly from the dApp Store.
Stride Outpost: Liquid stake your tokens on Stride in one transaction — directly from the dApp Store.

Osmosis, the leading decentralized exchange on Cosmos is also accessible as an Instant dApp. Users can now swap tokens on Osmosis directly from the Evmos dApp Store, with one click.

With the Osmosis Instant dApp users can swap their tokens on Osmosis chain in one click.

Each Instant dApp has its dedicated page with clear instructions on usage and functionality. Your seamless journey stays uninterrupted — no need to jump to the documentation of other projects. With a straightforward click, you can immediately use and learn about instant dApps, all in one place.

Instant dApps further enhance user experience, providing a hassle-free and efficient means of interacting with not only Evmos or Cosmos ecosystems, but with the broader Interchain ecosystem.

Join the Decentralized Revolution!

The launch of the Evmos dApp Store marks the beginning of our journey to establish a user-centric distribution channel, far more decentralized than current web2 platforms dominating the market and claiming a significant share of developers’ revenue, as seen with Apple’s App Store and Google Play.

Our platform envisions a direct reward system for developers based on the popularity of their dApps, allowing them to earn substantial revenue from user adoption. This vision emphasizes a user experience (UX) that ensures the best possible interaction, self-custody of assets with secure authentication, and compatibility across various platforms and blockchains.

Our commitment is to deliver high-quality, user-facing products that not only cater to the diverse needs of our users but also uphold principles of fairness and decentralization. We will keep working on the Evmos dApp Store to make it fully permissionless, easy to use, learn, and discover.

Whether you have a dApp built directly on Evmos or any other Cosmos chain, or if you are just interested in building a new dApp and exploring your options, join us in shaping the future of decentralized application distribution and unlock new possibilities of cross-chain communication — add your dApp to the Evmos dApp Store today!

Currently, we have a review process in place to ensure a smooth launch and establish a robust foundation for future decentralization. Rest assured, we are committed to transitioning to a fully decentralized operational mode, without intermediaries, where you are in control of your app, your revenue, and the future of the dApp Store.

As a user, seize the opportunity to join the revolution — start now, explore the dApp Store, try instant dApps, and discover more! Your suggestions, feature requests, and notes are crucial in shaping the future of our ecosystem — share your thoughts!

Let us build the future together, let’s regain control!


🎮 Evmos dApp Store

🦸 Stride Outpost

🧪 Osmosis Outpost

🧑‍💻 Add your dApp

💡 Submit your feedback

About Evmos

Evmos is an interoperable EVM blockchain designed for cross-chain dApp development.

The Evmos Core Development Team is on a mission to create and ship the foundational tools necessary for building the cross-chain applications of the future. With groundbreaking roadmap features like EVM Extensions, the Evmos SDK, and the Evmos dApp Store, Evmos gives developers the freedom to take advantage of the IBC and connect their smart contracts to the Cosmos Ecosystem.

This revolutionary technology frees developers from the confines of today’s siloed blockchains.

The future is cross-chain.

Helpful Resources

🎮 Evmos dApp Store:

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📯 Telegram: @EvmosOrg

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Evmos is the EVM stack for building natively cross-chain decentralized applications.

We encourage you to read the Evmos Manifesto and learn more about our plans to build a cross-chain future.

DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This content is strictly for educational purposes. It’s not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets.

