Phalcon x Evmos

The Evmos Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2023

Today, we are thrilled to announce the strategic integration of Phalcon with Evmos, bringing sophisticated transaction exploration capabilities to developers and traders within the Evmos ecosystem. This collaboration will provide users access to unparalleled insights into transactions, contract development, and security enhancements.

The integration of Phalcon with Evmos brings several synchronized growth aspects, including detailed visual insights into function calls, fund flows, real-time monitoring of balance changes, gas consumption analysis, and seamless debugging functionality.

What is Phalcon?

Phalcon, by BlockSec, stands as a remarkable security development and proactive defense suite. It consists of three main parts — Explorer, Fork, and Block — but it’s Phalcon Explorer that’s at the heart of our collaboration.

Tailored for the DeFi community, Phalcon Explorer takes a deep dive into transactions. With over 20,000 monthly active users analyzing around 10,000 transactions daily across 160+ countries, it provides intricate transaction analysis, function-level debugging, gas usage prediction, and block-specific transaction simulations. Phalcon’s technological backbone includes advanced modifications to core engines, optimized data storage formats, and techniques that accelerate EVM execution.

Phalcon Explorer differentiates itself from other transaction explorers by tailoring its tools specifically for advanced users, such as developers, traders, and security researchers, offering unique features like line-numbered traces, Balance Changes, and Fund Flow. In comparison to competitors like Etherscan, Openchain, and Tenderly Explorer, Phalcon provides a more comprehensive set of features, faster speed, and a more streamlined user experience.

Three main features set Phalcon Explorer apart:

  • Invocation flow: A visually intuitive tree structure showing the sequence of function calls within transactions.
  • Debugger: A detailed debug mode showcasing call trace, source code, and parameters & return values.
  • Simulator: An adaptable simulator engine with API and dashboard support.

The suite helps bridge the gap in an increasingly complex DeFi space, where platforms like EtherScan may fall short for experts.

Key Feature: Transaction Tracing

Phalcon enables viewing of transaction traces through Invocation Flow. Now, users can deeply analyze a transaction. Tooling includes:

  • Fund Flow: For identifying sender, receiver, invoked contracts, execution sequences, and transfer patterns.
  • Balance Changes: To quickly pinpoint addresses affected by complex transactions.
  • Gas Profiler: For optimizing gas fees.
  • State Changes: To identify all the contract addresses influenced during a transaction.
  • Function Signature and Static Call Filtering: For customized and succinct information display.

In short, these tools help anyone quickly understand a transaction. They filter out unnecessary details and provide the important information in an easy-to-understand way.

The Future is Bright

Phalcon and Evmos are committed to an exciting future of collaboration and growth. In the coming times, Phalcon plans to extend its support to more blockchain networks and aims to provide Evmos users with full access to its advanced functionalities, ensuring an uninterrupted experience. By actively aligning with Evmos’ development and embracing new features that augment Phalcon, both entities demonstrate a shared vision for innovation and enhancement in the blockchain ecosystem.

The partnership between Phalcon and Evmos opens up numerous collaboration opportunities. From establishing alliances with other Evmos-based projects to strengthening cooperation in fields like security monitoring and threat interception with Phalcon Block, the collaboration is set to flourish in various domains. Evmos’ support for auditing and differential testing tools can further boost Phalcon’s functionalities, while integration with tools like MetaSleuth promises a more comprehensive fund tracking experience. These synergistic efforts underscore the bright future ahead for Phalcon and Evmos, heralding a new era of success and innovation in the DeFi landscape.

About Evmos

Evmos is an EVM-compatible, IBC-enabled blockchain in the Cosmos ecosystem designed for cross-chain dApp development.

The Evmos Core Development Team is on a mission to create and ship the foundational tools necessary for building the cross-chain applications of the future. With groundbreaking roadmap features like EVM Extensions, the Evmos SDK, and the Evmos dApp Store, Evmos gives developers the freedom to take advantage of the IBC and connect their smart contracts to the Cosmos Ecosystem.

This revolutionary technology frees developers from the confines of today’s siloed blockchains.

The future is cross-chain.

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Evmos is the EVM stack for building natively cross-chain decentralized applications.

We encourage you to read the Evmos Manifesto and learn more about our plans to build a cross-chain future.

DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This content is strictly for educational purposes. It’s not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets.

