Namaste: A Message from Corona Panda

Manoj Pavitran
Evolution Fast-forward
15 min readApr 17, 2020
Source: Openclipart

Dear Sapiens,
Yes, I know you are waging a war on me and this Corona War looks like your third world war. It is understandable as you are dying in large numbers as a result of the migration of my species into your body or at least you believe that I am the root cause of the new wave of death gripping your world. Please note that it was not at all our intention to kill your body as you are our host, migration is part of Nature’s process of evolution. For example, consider this, only a portion of your body cells are uniquely human, the rest are bacterias, viruses and other microorganisms. You are already a collective being, a community of hundreds of species living together in harmony as one body, without them you will not be what you are today just as your nations are composed of people who migrated from different parts of the world. I am only a new migrant.

Appearances are often misleading. You may keep some social distance from each other, but the actual distance between you and me is not exactly what you think it is. Perhaps there is no distance at all, we are different faces of the same being. Your sages have been saying this repeatedly over millennia that there is only one Self. Perhaps it is good to remember that we are two sides of the same being and this war is taking place within the same being.

Some of you are saying that I am someone who has been genetically engineered in your lab to be a bioweapon against your own people or against some species of bacteria or viruses composing your body. They say I have accidentally escaped into your wider world and became this pandemic. Others are saying I have migrated from the body of bats into your body through a hungry stomach in the Wuhan province of China. I am glad you want to know who I am and from where I have come. Probably you need to know yourself better to understand me.

You are a product of evolution, probably one of the youngest leaf on the tree of evolution. Even though you are the youngest, you are on an accelerated course of evolution and your species have already gone through many cycles of social development. However, there is something quite violent about your latest civilisational cycle that began with the scientific and industrial revolution. It seems your whole way of looking at life is that of perpetual war. The idea of survival of the fittest has been drilled so deep into your heart, you had been training your young ones to compete with each other early on in the school by grading them to get the first rank, to be the topper or winner in this or that competition, to climb the corporate ladder stamping down everyone else, to compete in the market and beat your rivals, to win an election…the list is lifelong. Your political views are competing camps trying to murder each other; class war is the heartbeat of Communism, a free-market competition the heartbeat of Capitalism. So is your social activism, without an enemy you will lose your ferocious intensity — the patriarch, the corporate, the government — the list of enemies have been lined to be shot to save your world. Even your religions are so intolerant they had been warring with each other like dinosaurs or if not possible to murder they try to convert everyone into a single belief system and rituals hiding in the garb of charity. Even your medical science is chemical warfare on microorganisms. From the bow and arrow you have come all the way to nuclear weapons, and now into bioweapons. Even though you are rapidly evolving your technologies, I wonder whether you have looked into your psychological evolution at all.

You have been trying to use us, the viruses, as weapons in your war. You are now capable of editing the genetic code of life, but do you know what life is and its evolutionary purpose on earth? Why do you think flowers bloom and the birds sing? That depends on your evolutionary perspective which unfortunately is of war and survival. What if life on earth is a grand symphony and you are only one of the musical instruments? If you are the composer and conductor of all life on earth, then perhaps you will be in a better position to edit the code of life. But you know nothing of the whole, all that you have figured out are some alphabets and you have already started editing it to use in your wars.

Life is not a war movie.

Evolution is not a rat race.

You must know the whole if you want to know its parts and its function in the whole. Otherwise, you are destroying the harmony of the whole when you edit a part in isolation to solve a local problem. When the harmony is lost, life on earth degenerates and don’t you see it happening all over the earth? Who is responsible? Bacteria? Virus?

What is the leading cause of death of your species? According to your own data, it is Cardiovascular Disease and it is estimated that 17.7 million people die every year globally. That is more than 48,000 people dying every day!. But unfortunately, a heart choked with unexpressed emotions and stressed out to die with a sudden stroke of pain in the middle of a rat race for your economic progress is a poor thing without an identifiable enemy. And without a killer virus or bacteria, your whole medical science is at a loss when it comes to the heart disease. Other than postulating on various factors like smoking, cholesterol, high blood pressure, stress, overweight etc and doing heart surgeries or doing it with high-tech robots or hoping to design new artificial hearts you don’t really know how to solve this leading cause of death in your world. In fact, you have to change your whole way of living and the very outlook on life. You are so used to heart failure, such death doesn’t get media coverage or rivers of compassion or funds flowing. You don’t talk about it with any intensity of passion that you are now showing in my case. Your governments are not showing any sign of panic about 17.7 million cardiovascular deaths. There is no real-time data tracking and action on a war footing. It is life as usual, business as usual, death as usual. It is quite understandable. Without an enemy, you are at a loss as to what to do.

You get fired up into action when you find an enemy, the ongoing pandemic gets a rapid global response because your medical science could identify me as your precisely targeted enemy. Now you know exactly how the little devil looks. I have been demonised, photographed, digitally drawn with brilliant colour schemes to match your high-resolution retina displays. My exploits have been animated in 3D graphics explaining the cellular mechanics of your death and flashed around the world media educating 7.7 billion people. Your global war machine is now running full throttle. It is something you are so good at, it has taken so little time to lock down the entire world and educate the billions of the danger out there. That’s amazingly impressive, what is even more impressive is the fact that you are collaborating across the world as a community of nations. This is unprecedented. So it is possible for you to collaborate on a global scale and focus all your resources to solve this pressing challenge of your time. I wish you could do the same to solve your heart diseases, your deaths due to cancer, depression and hunger and to restore the health of your ecosystem and clean up the rivers and the seas. I hope you can bring the same passionate intensity to regenerate the ecosystem of the earth. I hope you can do the same to solve the increasing psychological disorder of your species.

A common enemy is a blessing in disguise. It is showing you what can be done quickly and efficiently. You have an astonishing creative capacity and will, but can this be directed for the greater good of all life? Do you really need a crisis to do it? Do you really need an enemy?

Now you are sitting at home watching the war, let me tell you something more.

The truth is you don’t have to die just because some viruses or bacterias are living in your body. Many of you are dying because of your poor immune system and due to complications brought by many other already existing diseases. However, everything is blamed on me because an impressive high death score gets the war fund and compassion flowing. It was not my fault that many of you don’t have a good immune system and are already quite sick and tired of your life on earth. The immune system of your species is getting so badly wrecked by your own lifestyle and a medical system that wages war on life.

How can you ever be an island of health if you are poisoning your waters, your environment, your food chain, your bacterias, viruses, cows, pigs, fishes and innumerable other forms of life? Your war on life is coming back to you like refugees from the nations that are destroyed by your wars and the weapon industry. When you prefer to invest in war machines more than health care and education, how can you expect to be happy or healthy in this world? The size of your investment in military and war machines is a reflection of your insecurity and fears. You are so brilliant and powerful, what are you so afraid of? With so much fear how can you be healthy? Remember there is only one life, not many. When you tear the fabric of life in one place, it shakes the whole life. Your life and body are part of that fabric of life draping the earth. How easily you forget it when you bomb your nations or wipe out other species. It is unbelievable that you say you are capable of rational intelligence. But where is an iota of reason in all this?

With all that power and intelligence given to you by Mother Nature, you became a predator colonising your own so-called less enlightened, less scientific, less industrialised people. Now when I come in and colonise your body you are getting terrified and demonises me and want to hunt me down. Can’t you see that I am just your shadow, following upon the trails of your own karma? Let us face this together. I am not outside you, I am not even separate from you, these are your delusions. I am already inside you, not as a virus but as a state of your own being coming back to you in a full circle to shake hands with you or maybe better to say Namaste. Not because of any fear of contagion but by truly seeing the light in you. I want to honour the divinity in you and perhaps you can also do that.

Have you seen the light in you, that little flame of noble aspiration veiled deep within you? That incorruptible part of your being seeking truth, goodness and beauty? Perhaps you have not seen it, perhaps you have forgotten the ways of your own true being dwelling in the depth of your heart.

You complain about having to wear a mask, you complain about having to keep social distance, but have you seen the mask you had been wearing all these years? Have you seen the long distance you keep from your own deepest truth? Are you aware of your spiritual distancing and your social masks? It has become so normal, the numbness of your heart is buried so deep, the chasm between the noise in your head and the numbness of your heart is so wide, it makes you restless when you have to face yourself. So you try to escape into work or relationships or sex or gossips or shopping or if it is not possible, into online verbiage to fill your mind with noise — the stories of your unending wars. After the Corona War, you already foresee another war coming, your war with your own surveillance State or the economic collapse or the ecological collapse. There is a series of wars lined up for you. Your future is so terribly uncertain, there is enough fodder to feed your fears, enough gunpowder to prepare for unending warfare with life. You are in an emergency mode, anxious and restless.

Don’t you see the all-pervasive fear underneath most of your actions? Behind your anger, behind your social protest, behind your urge to win an argument, behind your passionate intensity and the all-absorbing immersion in the media noise, do you see the crawling fear gripping you from your depths? Curled up in your protective shell how long you want to escape from yourself?.

No amount of sanitisers are going to wash out this fear from you. In fact the more you depend on your artificial sanitisers, the more you get sucked into the vortex of fear. The insanity of your species cannot be cured with chemical sanitisers. You can only wash your body with it. How are you going to sanitise your mind from getting fed with horror stories? How are you going to sanitise your heart from sorrow, sadness and depression so that you can experience sublime emotions of love and gratitude? How are you going to sanitise your energy so that it expands courageously without shrinking in fear? How are you going to sanitise your senses so that they can enjoy the touch and intimacy without fear, without shame, without guilt? These are the challenges in front of you. There are no missiles your Governments can deploy to save you from the enemy within, there are no Supreme Court to jail the fear, the sorrow, the sadness, the depression and there is no vaccine to cure your psychological disorder without making you a zombie, no Amazon to home deliver a magic cure. Yes, Alexa can tell you some jokes and keep you entertained in your prison.

It is nothing personal to you, it is the general state of your species. It is this all-pervasive fear, stress, anger, sorrow, sadness, depression, shame and guilt that is corrupting your inner life and weakening your immune system. It is this that invites sudden waves of death. The bacteria, the virus and the hundreds of nameless creatures out there are not really the root cause of your illness. The deeper cause is your fractured immune system, still deeper cause is the psychological poisons you suffer from. You are living with toxic thoughts, toxic ideas, toxic imaginations, toxic emotions, toxic energies and toxic and perverse pleasures that have chained you with toxic habits. Your freedom can come only when you break free from all these invisible enemies within you.

I am sorry to have painted such a dark picture, but please remember, this is not a time for pleasantries. A bitter truth is better than a sugar-coated lie. Every crisis is an opportunity and you can break free now and the necessary will and intelligence are already there within you. Your science and technology have already given you enough material abundance, you are well taken care of physically, at least a major portion of your population. Now is your time to venture into your inner space. That’s where the roots of your maladies are.

This lockdown will pass, the engine of your world economy will yoke you back on the production line, marching you back to the rat race, back to the relentless completion, back to the nervous tension and stress which you thought were normal even if it was killing 17.7 million people every year breaking their hearts. Now you know there is a new normal — the streets free from restless traffic and noise, some margin to breath, some space to relax, some time to listen to birds and crickets, some time to watch the sunrise and enjoy seeing the flower petals open with all the patience of eternity.

I am assuming that some of you were fortunate enough and wise enough, to pull you out of the digital rat traps — the mobile, the laptops, the war game console and the TV — and start breathing fresh air and open your senses to the world around and within and found a new normal. Before you go back to the old normal, which was nothing but a nervous tension on the edge of a breakdown, please make use of this window of opportunity to look deep within yourself to face your own shadow and dive deeper to find your own light. Let your work, your relationships, your media immersion, your shopping and social gatherings not be a means to escape from the restless forces that are lurking in your depths. These forces, these shadowy tenants of your subconscient caves are there to be addressed, to be acknowledged and brought under your own inner Truth and Light so that you are anchored in peace and can love and smile for no reason even if no one is around. There is something luminous, whole and eternal within you, yet to be discovered.

Believe me, this is what the true medication you need, it will heal you and protect you. You need to bridge the spiritual distance within you, you need to unmask the true being within you, you need to sanitise your inner life. Then slowly you will learn that it is not by drenching and drugging yourself with chemicals your health is regained with a robust immune system full of unshakable peace.

But you must be willing to unplug from the Matrix, from the illusion of progress you were chasing in the marketplace, from the deafening noises of the mass media hypnosis. Then, if you can switch off that chatbot in your cranium, or look behind its endless stream of thoughts in your mind, with a deep, slow and quiet breath, you will be able to find some silent clearings within you. Learn to settle there in that silence which you may initially find to be a void, boring or even scary. Restlessness may grip you back to the chatbot, impatience and impulses may drive you back to old habits, but please do persist, go back again and again and listen deeply and feel the depths of your heart.

When you drink water, please don’t just gulp it down unconsciously, sip slowly, feel the cool flow of the life-giving water flowing down your throat. When you wash your hands, be there fully, experience your fingers, experience every drop of water. When you eat, be there with the food, with every grain. Remember from where it has come and the people who must have worked hard to produce it and if you can, be grateful for that little blessing in your mouth. It is keeping you alive by sacrificing its life. Listen to the birds and the winds, listen to the trees and the flowers, listen to the roof and the walls. Walk barefoot on the earth and feel the soil beneath your feet.

They are all waiting for your awakening, for you to remember who you truly are and for your loving gaze. They have stories to tell you, memories to share, and they will come alive within you, around you. You will come alive with them. You can see that there are no boundaries, and everything is flowing through you and you are woven into all things around. There is only one life, it is flowing through all of us. You may discover a cool and gentle stream opening in your heart, calm flow of being full of love and gladness. A luminous clarity, a quiet light without the heat of urgency, dawning from within, may show you how alive everything is, how bright colours are, how fresh the air is and how sweet the bird’s call.

It is time that you rediscover the wisdom in your heart, the flame of love and delight that you are in your essence. There is inborn wisdom within that you can commune in deep silence, it is your wellsprings of gladness, love and delight, it is the flame that knows your purpose in the larger whole, it is the flame that knows the purpose of all your births. If you can live from there, then the Master of the grand symphony of life can guide your steps. Then your work becomes not a war on life but a visible expression of your love, then your relationships become not an escape from yourself but the spaces of your fullness and radiance, then your charity will not a cover-up for your guilt but a natural outflow of your joy of giving, then your compassion doesn’t look for poor people to serve because you have become a natural servant of all life, then your gatherings become source nourishment to all, then your shopping gets cured of its lust, then your science and technology will find its meaning and purpose. Then you can commune with life flowing like a grand symphony of which you are an instrument. You are in it, it is in you, you are That, we are That great delight of one being, unbroken whole.

We are in it together, these words are yours and mine at the same time. I am happening in you. I have many things to tell you. I am not bad, just as you are not bad. We have our own unique roles to play in this amazing symphony of life’s evolution on earth.

Consider this lockdown as a blessing in disguise. When you sanitise your hands and wear a mask, remember, they are symbols of a greater cleansing. Sanitise not just your body, but find ways to sanitise your thoughts, your ideas, your imaginations, your emotions, your energy, your sensations and your actions. When you wear a mask, remember the person behind the mask. It will naturally happen when you dive deep within and find your inmost luminous truth. Learn to bridge the spiritual distance with your inmost being. You will cross over this crisis soon and as you are collaborating now it is clearly possible that we can collaborate and co-create a better-shared future for all.

There is nothing to fear, you are safe in the lap of Mother Nature. She looks after all her children, including us, the viruses. You are the youngest of all and we admire your creative genius. Let us put all your science and technology to enhance love and life on earth, let there be beauty, harmony and perfection everywhere. Because that is your true nature.

Let your life on earth be a blessing to all and let it be a sacred song in its original harmony expressing itself in ever new forms moving from perfection to greater perfection, from delight to greater delight.

Remember this much.

You are a blessed child of Mother Nature.


Corona Panda



Manoj Pavitran
Evolution Fast-forward

I am passionate about the evolutionary yoga psychology of Sri Aurobindo and its transformational practice.