The Daily Huddle & Yearly Themes Done Right

Brad Giles
Evolution Partners Newsletter
2 min readSep 3, 2023

The Daily Huddle & Yearly Themes Done Right

Dancer Concrete Design is a 40 person business specialising in polished concrete and epoxy floor coatings based in Fort Wayne, Indiana. They physically change the design, the feel, and the impact on interior spaces by using concrete as a design element. They are a great example of a business doing the hard work to become a small giant — a business that works to become better not bigger.

One of the things I liked on their website was their yearly themes which lists out all the themes they’ve had as a business since 2011. They celebrate the new theme with handouts, new t-shirts, and signs in our business. For example in the video below, President Nick Dancer can be seen wearing a T-shirt from their 2019 theme “Trust the process”.

2019 THEME: Trust The Process

The best work is brought to life by meditating on the task; by focusing on the doing. It’s not about the end goal or worrying about the future. To create the best, to be the best, you have to fall in love with the process of creating. It’s then, and only then, that the process is nurtured, valued and appreciated. When we focus on the process, we can ignore the pressures of an outcome. Trusting the Process is an adventure. Trusting the Process is awareness, presence, and understanding. It’s the right here and right now parts of life. When you give yourself to the moment, the creating becomes its own reward.

Here are the daily huddle questions everyone answers each day at Dancer Concrete Design

  • What do you plan to do?
  • Where do you plan to get at the end of the day?
  • What are your stucks (The things keeping you up at night, that are bugging you)?

And here are three great quotes from the video

  • “The daily huddle is an open book of what everybody’s business day looks like so we can make the best decision”
  • “Every minute on the huddle saves ten minutes out on the job site”
  • “The big driving force of our company is growing leaders who deliver best work and that means there’s always leadership opportunities.”

Watch the video here- Parkview Connections Podcast: Leading to build culture

If you would like more information about implementing the daily huddle and other strategies to better align your leadership team, contact us today.

Originally published at on September 3, 2023.



Brad Giles
Evolution Partners Newsletter

Owner Evolution Partners, a strategic planning, professional training & coaching consultancy & Author Made to Thrive.