What’s more important: Right People or Right Strategy, The latest AI tool & Take The 10%

Brad Giles
Evolution Partners Newsletter
5 min readDec 11, 2022

11 December 2022 Newsletter

In the short term, you are as good as your intensity. In the long term, you are only as good as your consistency.” Shane Parrish

Hope you’re Thriving!

Some weeks I sit down to write this newsletter, and there hasn’t been a lot happening. On other weeks I can’t squeeze it all in. This is one of those weeks.
So let’s do this.

Take The 10%

I saw someone talking this week about accepting the negative in people.
We can like perhaps 90% about a person, but 10% might get on our nerves. We choose to focus on either the 90% that we like or the 10% that might get on our nerves.
However, if we try to fix the 10%, we risk messing up the 90%. This is equally true of friends, loved ones, and our teams.
We’ve got to have gratitude for the 90% and try to make them the best they can with that 90%, and perhaps just take the 10%.

Inspiring new coach talking to football team players

Now, you can write the amount I know about American football on a matchbox in type 20 font. But this is one of the most inspiring talks I’ve seen in a long time.

As I understand it, the Colorado football team has not had a good year for many years, and it’s been a couple of decades since they’ve had a good amount of pride and success. And so they recruited a new coach Deion Sanders to turn the team around and start winning.

Whilst I don’t love sports analogies in business, indeed, the teamwork and turnaround aspects of sports can be pretty valuable, and this is an excellent example of the very beginning of a turnaround.

Within 14 minutes, this coach explains that they will succeed, that many people won’t make it and will be cut from the team, and that if you don’t put in the work, you will be cut from the team.

He also outlines the discipline required from everybody in the room. Finally, he explains that things will change, and many times throughout the video, he says, “I’m coming”. It’s a great example of setting expectations for team members at the outset and creating a vision of a high-performing team where perhaps discipline and success have been lacking.

Check out the 14-minute video: Deion Sanders Meets with the Colorado Football Team Players for the First Time

ChatGPT The latest AI tool

ChatGPT is a product by OpenAI, an organisation formed by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and others in 2015. It raised $1 billion from Microsoft in 2019 and is currently valued at around $20 billion. ChatGPT has already gone viral and reached 1 million users in just five days.

For context, here’s how long it took other products to get 1 million users:

  • Netflix — 41 months
  • Twitter — 24 months
  • Facebook — 10 months
  • Instagram — 2.5 months

Why is ChatGPT important? It can eliminate hours of research, sort through millions of data points, and even write research papers.

I’m old enough to remember a time before Google, and the reason Google became everyone’s preferred search engine was that it gave you the most appropriate answer most of the time.

Now consider your search on Google. There is an industry dedicated to getting their website to the top of Google, and every day more and more people (and robots) are writing more articles.

And so when you search, you’re not necessarily getting the information you can trust or the best information. Search has become messy between the many adverts and SEO work done to game the Google algorithm.

That’s where ChatGPT gets interesting.

It just gives you answers.

Now the answers might not be perfect on the first release, but they are pretty interesting considering where they might take us.

There are many changes to businesses that will result from this. When you look at all the use cases, it’s remarkable.

On the video below you can see me asking it to write a business plan and then a commercial lease contract, which it performs with relative ease — when compared to Google search.

Check out the tool here: ChatGPT

Creative job advert — Director of Rodent Mitigation

How creative are your job adverts? Or are you leaving them to HR to copy and paste?

It’s an advert, after all! Get creative.

This week, I came across a creative advert for the NYC city-wide director of rodent migration.

From the advert:

The ideal candidate is highly motivated and somewhat bloodthirsty, determined to look at all solutions from various angles, including improving operational efficiency, data collection, technology innovation, trash management, and wholesale slaughter.”

Qualifications — “Swashbuckling attitude, crafty humor, and general aura of badassery”

I mean, it’s still quite creative for a city council.

Check out the $170k job advert here

This week on The Growth Whisperers Podcast

What’s more important: Right People or Right Strategy?

Many people have opinions about what matters more. Strategy people think it’s strategy, and you might have a great team, but they will spin their wheels without a great strategy.

Then others will think that culture is more important and that a great strategy will go nowhere without a high-performing team.

But there’s also one other nuance to this debate and its execution. How effectively does the team execute the strategy?

Today we ask if we had to pick one, if we had to dedicate 80% of our energy to, which would it be and why?

Episode 139 — The Growth Whisperers

Listen to The Growth Whisperers

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Keep Thriving!

Brad Giles



Brad Giles
Evolution Partners Newsletter

Owner Evolution Partners, a strategic planning, professional training & coaching consultancy & Author Made to Thrive. https://evolutionpartners.com.au/subscribe