“From dreaming big to being big”

Xavi Solà
Inside ALEA
Published in
1 min readApr 15, 2019

I’ve worked for ALEA 3 years now and it’s a record for me: in my previous jobs I didn’t see myself there for such a long time. The difference I guess, is that ALEA lets you speak up and get your ideas noticed. You can express yourself: maybe you won’t get the answer you expect, maybe the other’s opinion won’t be the same as you, but you will always have a weighed feedback. And this makes me feel valued.

Having fun at our Christmas dinner

What’s more, I’ve seen a huge change in the years: all that we were aiming at, all our projects and plans, are now taking shape and the first and most visible change are the new offices. We are passing from dreaming big to being big, more professional, and we can feel it and touch it. Keep in mind that here you will have to work hard and give it all, but you will get wherever you want. In my team we are constantly trying to improve, and we tend have a long-sighted approach, even if it takes you out of the comfort zone. Does it mean that we are at the leading edge of technology? No, but it doesn’t mean we don’t aim to it.



Xavi Solà
Inside ALEA
Writer for

Born at the latelys 70’s and running since then