Evolve Machine Learners
Evolve Machine Learners
3 min readMar 25, 2019


What is Freelancer and how to be one of it

Source: Wordtracker.com

Freelancer or self-employed person, what’s on your mind when hearing the word ? Most people might remember it for a jobdesk or a work that has a contract whether it is long or short contract between the freelancer and the client (company who hire them). A company does not always need a freelancer, because usually the position that they need fill is a position that will work only for a short time. Unlike accountant that every company need, position filled by a freelancer is a once-done job. For example, hiring a permanent graphic designer for a bank company, neccesary but not always needed. A few example of jobs that usually has a lot of freelancer in it is editor, copy writing, computer programmer, graphic design, and translator. These type of freelance jobs usually related to service sector. The freelancers will work within the contract they sign between them and the company.

So, is being a freelancer profitable? Considering that a company does not always demand it everytime. The answer is YES, becoming a self-employed person are very profitable for those who work hard. Unlike full time employee that get salary every month, freelancers should find their client or vice versa to get profit. The advantage of being a freelancer depend on how many project they will take as long as they can handle it. More project means more money, that is the different between freelancers and full time employee.

A self-employed person also can take a break whenever they want, for example, they just finish three project within two month and want to take a break for one month, it is up to them because freelancers does not have any contract sign to work fulltime. Once the job is done and the contract is finish, they are free to go. The key is to give all out to the company who hire you. The more they satisfied with your work, there will be a chance that the company will call you one day if they need similar job.

Nowadays, there are more way to become a freelancer. Unlike those old time freelancer should find their job on the newspaper. These day there are lots of website who offer help and assist freelancer to find a job. Wurker.ai can be the reference for freelancer find their job or for the company who seek for a freelancer for their company. The website work as bridge to help both meet each other. The website is simple and easy to understand. Just by filling the online registration form, fill in the biodata and your area of expertise, and following a series of online interviews, automatically will be registered in the website’s database.

Later on there will be two way to get your job from Wurker.ai. by active or passive. By actively browsing available jobs posted on the website and manually apply and send your curriculum vitae to job that you think the field you are good in. Or passive, which means you wait company to call you, this usually happens if you have a high rating.

Wurker.ai is an online working sites. Subsidiary of Evolve Machine Learners, a company that runs in the field of education and development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Expanding the company to the world of online work portal for freelancers.



Evolve Machine Learners
Evolve Machine Learners

Education startup for AI, Machine Learning, Data Science. Visit @evolvemlearners & @evolvemlearners.id at Instagram. Our website www.evolvemachinelearners.com