20 Lessons To Take Out Of 2020

Joel Sigrist
Evolve You
Published in
5 min readJan 2, 2021


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

We made it.

2020 is in the past. It was, in a lot of ways, the hardest year of my life. There were lots of deaths, hardships, financial stress, relationships lost, and more low-level anxiety across the entire year than any before.

But we made it.

And 2021 may be no different. It’s going to be what we make it. The calendar saying January 1st, 2021 rather than December 31st, 2020 doesn’t solve racial issues. It doesn’t cure the pandemic. It doesn’t bring anyone back who was lost.

But we can learn. We can grow. And this year can be better.

If we apply the lessons we learned in 2020.

Here are 20 of mine.

  1. Your health is the most important thing. Covid-19 shattered my sense of invulnerability, and it reminded me that I need to take care of myself more intentionally than before. When the world crumbles, I need to go on walks, eat protein and vegetables, drink water, and prioritize my sleep. If you keep your body fit, your mind will follow.
  2. Wealth is built through multiple income streams. Your 9–5 job can be the biggest income stream, and it likely will be. But if your 9–5 job covers all of your bills while you make some extra money on the side, your wealth will grow faster than any other way. Some options…



Joel Sigrist
Evolve You

Consistent writer since a few weeks ago. Not all published stories are good ones, but that’s getting better. In some cool pubs, too.