Conscious Contributor
Evolve You
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2020


Oily Skin Care : One Big Mistake

Oily skin People are always stressed to keep everything in control and not let that shiny appearance on the skin. Using expensive facewashes, trying a good control on the diet regimen, drinking at least two litres of water, and washing face two times a day what is remaining that they don’t do? Still that dullness feeling on face returns back. Missed glow and desired fairness is yet far away and this hits the young girls the most. The need to have a shine free look and inability to achieve it starts eroding there self esteem.

So what is that one thing which they are missing or doing wrong which is adding to the problems? I would like to share that one mistake I realized from my daily routine structure.

Whenever I washed my hair, I would wash it with warm water thinking that perhaps washing with it can clear the dust and debris much better. There I was!! doing the terrible mistake since my hair would secrete more and more oil and the greasy feel would stay further for days. I noticed this extra oil on the hair was also responsible for the oil accumulation on my face. Nothing would work to clear this greasy feel until I started washing my hair with room temperature water.

Hurray!! soon after my hair texture went back normal , and all the face wash tricks, face creams started working again. Possibly they weren’t had been able to clear out that extra oil accumulated on my face previously.
My facial skin since then is happy as I can now concentrate on many other things besides the need to get rid of the undesired grease of my face.




Conscious Contributor
Evolve You

Former software professional turned health, spiritual, and mindfulness enthusiast on the fold of events. Writing for peace.