Politics Brought Back the Pandemic

Politicians won power, people won the pandemic

Ian Fan
Evolve You


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Malaysians fume as COVID-19 cases surges amid the politicking in the midst of a pandemic crisis. Alarm bells were raised over the virus making a bigger comeback in Malaysia. Malaysians reluctantly brace themselves for a fresh round of restrictions to curb the virus.

Malaysia was steadily recovering under the Recovery Movement Control Order. By the end of July 2020, COVID numbers were at a record low. For days, new daily cases were at single digits or low double-digit figures.

In the midst of the recovery period and pandemic, politicians were still playing politics.

On 30 July 2020, several elected representatives from the Sabah state government defected to the opposition, in a move to topple the state government led by then Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal.

Sabah’s former chief minister — Tan Sri Musa Aman — was looking to a triumphal return to chief ministership. A sudden press conference was called. Musa claimed to have obtained a simple majority to take over the state government. He was to also lead a new coalition, formed with elected representatives of various parties.

Left with few viable choices, Shafie announced the dissolution of the State Legislative…

