Member-only story

The Media Must Condemn Trump’s Ableism

Kristen Parisi
Evolve You


Until approximately three minutes ago, I was having a relaxing evening after a rough day.

I had a bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips, watched some YouTube and was in the midst of organizing my makeup to calm my over-active mind. I thought, “I should check Twitter”…I regret this decision very much.

When I signed on, I immediately saw this bullsh*t:

Screenshot of Donald Trump’s Tweet with a pic of elderly people in a residence, mostly in wheelchairs including Biden

If you’re a Trump supporter, you may laugh this off. But then again, you probably laugh off his racism, too.

But this is ableist. Think it’s the only ableist thing Trump’s done today? Not even close. Let’s examine an earlier quote from Trump, coming just a few hours ago.

In this Tweet, Trump decries Biden as a “dummy” which again, you may blow off as Trump being Trump. But Trump insulting Biden’s intelligence is something Biden has had to combat his entire life because of his stutter.

Trump attacks Biden’s intellect as a way to punch Biden. It’s an easy yet disgusting attack.



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