What Does An Enthusiastic ‘We Can Do More’ Get You? A Nobel Prize (really).

“You’re a girl, you can’t do it.” - Andrea Ghez grew up hearing this all the time. She persisted at MIT, Caltech. Her star experiment, many thought wouldn’t work, earned her a Nobel Prize this year.

Karthik Rajan
Evolve You


By John D. — https://www.nsf.gov/discoveries/disc_images.jsp?cntn_id=133541&org=NSF, Public Domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=65513282

As a child, Andrea Ghez loved two things — walking on the moon and dancing with ballerinas. Somewhere along the way, she blended her love for the sky and the embrace of a dance.

She became an astrophysics — studying the poetic tap dance of stars around black holes. In her 29 years of adventure — the images of her telescopes, perched in Hawaii, improved by a factor of 10,000,000.

Her predecessor wasn’t so lucky. Einstein didn’t have the tools, just a fertile mind.

In early 1900’s, he proposed. In early 2000’s, her experiments proved him right.

What did Einstein propose?

In common parlance, gravity can bend light.

In detail — gravity, space and time are co-mingled. In middle school physics we were introduced to the symbols — gravity(acceleration, g) , space (d) and time(t). These symbols showed up in the Newton’s laws of…



Karthik Rajan
Evolve You

Stories to fuel your mind. Theme: life’s hidden treasures in plain sight. Goal: Warm tone, solid content, crisp stories. About me: one google search away.