More money — more satisfaction?

Is it true? The more money you have the happier you are

4 min readOct 21, 2023


Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Hello to all of you.

Does money really make you happy? Many people I ask say it gives them security. By security, they mean having food and drink and a roof over their heads. And yet, these people often try to fill their inner hole with the help of money, or better said, with the spending of money.

We envy people who own beautiful and big houses, drive Ferraris or Maybachs, who have been on vacation more often in one year than we have in our entire lives. But this envy is completely superfluous because these people already had no satisfaction before, and with the help of their money, their wealth, they are only much further away from their inner peace and the satisfaction they hoped for.

Let’s take me as an example. I have often in my life possessed a lot of money and spent it super fast on things like high-quality food, driving every meter by cab, years of vacation in different countries, and more that I bought with money. But it has brought me nothing; exactly the opposite happened. I became more and more dissatisfied.

My best time was always the time without money, not completely without it because enough for food, drink, and housing must be natural. Means the basic needs should be secured. The dissatisfaction did not come from the money itself, not even from spending money; this came rather from the fact that if you spend the whole day with the money, you neglect your soul, your spirituality. One begins to occupy oneself more and more with superficial things.

When I have a lot of money again, I go out to eat every day, often twice. I go there, sit down, order and eat my food carelessly and drink my drink carelessly. However, when I have little money, I buy cheap, cook, and eat my food slowly and mindfully.

Of course, eating out at a restaurant or pizzeria can be mindful and slow, as well as appreciative. But here the principle takes effect:

The less you want, the better you feel.

It is our wanting that causes our suffering, and that is why I feel better when I buy cheap because that means that I hold back, that I don’t buy what I want but hold back my greed. If you apply this to everything, that you do not buy what you want but only buy what you need, you will see that you feel better.

For example:

I need a car, but I don’t buy a Ferrari, Porsche, Mercedes, or BMW. If I need a car, it is to get from A to B; anything beyond that you want to support your self-confidence or to show off. And for that, you are ready to work longer and more, you need more money, take more stress on yourself to earn the money, and only to support your self-confidence.

The worst thing about it is that it is actually unnecessary because self-confidence is obtained only through thought, action, and knowledge.

Does more money bring more satisfaction?

Not the money brings more satisfaction; renunciation brings more satisfaction! But money brings a basic security with it; it is a nice feeling not to have to worry about your next meal or a place to sleep because you can afford both easily. In addition, with money, you can do a lot of good for people, animals, and the environment. Therefore, one must not demonize money across the board.

It is rather the wrong handling of money and that this gets out of control with most with too much money. So it is possible not to be satisfied by money, but one should say one can be satisfied although one has money. Money must not necessarily stand in the way of one’s satisfaction. You should see it more as an additional tool.

Let’s say you have decided to do nothing but sit down, meditate, and solve all problems of a mental, psychic nature, and you don’t want to do anything else before you have solved them. It is then, of course, extremely helpful if you have at least so much money that you do not have to worry about basic needs.

I hope I could help you to develop further. Everything I write to you, everything I tell you, and all the advice I give you are not ideas or attempts; they are things I have experienced and proven. I wish you all a wonderful day, and see you next time.

Your Mark.

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Develop yourself further | Self Improvement, Healthy Lifestyle, Mental Health and Financial Advises. Evolution Publication