Watch What You Say! You might offend Someone!
The world is becoming more and more politically correct and you never know what you might say that will trigger somebody.
Back in 1976, the year I graduated high school, a Funk-Rock band from Wheirton, West Virginia named Wild Cherry came out with the hit single, “Play That Funky Music White Boy” . No seemed to give much thought about the lyrics at the time. It was about a white guy playing a style of music mostly played by African American musicians. It was an innocent song just about a style of music.
Could a song like this be written today without the goody two shoe snowflakes clutching their pearls and screaming. “That’s racist!”
I wrote a similar song called, *White Folk Reggae” about a white guy I knew who played Reggae music as well as the Jamaican Rastafarians.
At a song critic in Nashville I caught n earful about how the song was racist I told them it wasn’t at all. It was about a style of music.They told me I should change it to “Love That Reggae” Whatever! That totally missed the whole point!
Lately I’ve heard some people perceive Irving Berlin’s classic, “White Christmas” as a racist song.
SERIOUSLY!? All my life I thought it was about snow! Silly me!
Wash out your mouth with soap! You said the S word, the F word, and all those other naughty words!
Swear words are also a big no no among the self righteous puritans until they get angry enough to use a few choice expletives themselves.
Scary words like ‘shit’ or “fuck’ are just some phonemes put together to create sounds and text in spoken and written language. Their meanings may trigger a pre programed negative emotional response but they have no magical powers and can do no harm so get over it!
Comedians and song writers have it especially hard in recent times to perform their crafts, or even for just everyday people to get along in a world where so many people get offended by everything.
You have to remember that you’ll never please everyone no matter what you do.