Why I Love Mornings!

Melinda Judy
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2024
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Some people say they hate mornings and their grumpy morning disposition makes them people you’d rather avoid then deal with.

They tell you not to talk to them for the first hour after they wake up.

They’re like the guy who’s the 7–11 werewolf before he gets that first cup of coffee..

I feel completely opposite.

When I first awake, I Feel Refreshed.

It’s 5AM. It’s still dark outside and no one else is awake yet.

It’s so quiet that all I hear is the air blowing out of the air conditioner or the occasional distant call of a bird I can’t identify.

It’s a good time to do a 10 minute meditation so I’ll listen to a relaxing 10 minute meditation music video on You Tube thru headphones.

After the meditation the first thing I want is to grab a cup of coffee and to start writing.

Sometimes I don’t know what to write about but the quiet atmosphere and the lack of distractions make it easier to focus on an idea then stay focused on writing the content.

Today this topic came to mind

Mornings Are A Time To Be Introspective.

It’s when my mind is the clearest. Its when I can access where I am in the moment, where I want to go. and for making plans for the day.

Mornings Are The Best Time To Get A Writing Goal Accomplished

It doesn’t have to be a long goal, maybe just a one minute post, but I find it’s best to get it done before starting the day.

Making a habit of doing this morning routine helps with staying consistent.

I’ll wait until later in the day to work on my longer posts

As the sun is just peeking thru the window, I’m finishing my one minute post.

It’s now 7AM and others are just awakening. I starting to hear them moving around and talking.

The world is becoming alive again.

Thanks for reading.

I’d love to hear how you feel about mornings.



Melinda Judy

I want to share my travel stories and hear about those of others. Currently I am traveling on a shoestring retirement income.