2021: The Year I Lost and Found Myself

In response to Coffee Challenge: Why I want to be a better me in 2022

Sam Finlayson


The latest Coffee Time competition from Winston is a dozy.

Winston writes: This competition is about being truthful to yourself. Reflect and write about the challenges you faced in 2021 and what changes are you going to make, to become a better you in 2022.

It’s a huge task but here goes nothing.

Previous years, since 2015. The family drama has ensued throughout the years. This year started full of hope, hoping everything would be calmer. We would have time to be a family without firefighting our lives.

January, I spent working at home with Angela also schooling from home. Not ideal, spending time with her doing the work was a bonding time a benefit of the pandemic. Another was the re-emergence of nature outside in the absence of people and cars. It was a lovely calm introduction to the year had me feeling happy.

I kept being niggled through the next few months. I could not put my finger on it. Something felt off. I started spiralling (I would not realise that till later) everything started getting too much. I was snapping at people, having nightmares every night. Every morning, the feeling of fear in my core.



Sam Finlayson

Love 📚 New to writing but loving every minute. Write about my experiences with therapy, trauma and recovery as well as other things that cross my mind 😉