Faith Hope & Love

6 Lessons From the Movie ‘Home Alone’ You Will Not Regret Watching

Did Kelvin tell his parents he called the police to catch the burglars?



Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

I made my family disappear! — Kevin

Home Alone is a famous movie worldwide. I keep watching it on Christmas Day. I feel for Kevin. Expressing himself means as good as being stubborn.

His siblings unite into an alliance against him. Jeering, bullying, blaming, and sarcasm is nothing new. For an overwhelmed mother, she resolves the issue by expecting Kevin to give in to almost all situations.

Watching Home Alone movie consoles me as I grow up over the years. Let me share with you 6-lessons I take away from the movie.

1You do not need to explain to everyone what you intend to do or get their validations all the time

The Situation:

When Kevin was shopping for groceries, a few Christmas presents, and ornaments, the cashier questioned him. Where was his family? Why was he alone? He did not explain. He was careful of what he spoke to strangers. Why do strangers need to know?

The Learning Points:

You do not need to share or explain your plans and actions to everyone. Everyone will not share everything with you anyway. Why? It is to ease matters for our personal best interest. Everyone wants privacy.

Is everyone aware that you are writing? Some people will give hopeless remarks. It does not matter if writing is a hobby or a side hustle.

The aim is to save some sanity for yourself. You do need some space to breathe. When you always need to have validations from others, you live under their control. You are not living for yourself. You are already dead within. Learn to start living. Shall we?

2Be aware of that someone whom everyone blames for everything. Blaming a person is the cause of a broken relationship at home.

The Situation

Kevin was singing the carols on the stage when his elder brother made fun of him. He reacted and caused the choir members to lose balance in their positions. Everyone fell.

Kevin refused to apologize since he was not the root cause. He knew his elder brother was pretending to be sorry. The entire family was against Kevin.

Learning Points

As parents, spouses, siblings, or even teachers and colleagues, is there favoritism among us? Only the 1-particular person being bad, weak, wrong, or blamed for anything.

It happens in boarding school too. A less famous student with a lack of parental presence or money power is the target of bullies. While everyone focuses on one person, the rest of the teachers pretend nothing happens. Right?

You and I do not know what miracle can happen that makes the least attractive or weak person gets. How many rich people were once unattractive boys or girls in school and family? When the tide turns, you will be surprised.

3 — Kevin is less important and a cause of nitty problems. But, Kevin is the problem solver in matters that requires an adult’s intervention.

The Situation

He knew he needed to do something and protect the house. He took his brother’s money and spider. He knew where his father’s toolkits were.

He knew everything that he had in the house. Thus those resources were his aid to plan in catching the burglars. At the same time, Kevin created the Christmas environment within the house with decorations.

During problems, Kevin did not single out himself from preparing for the best time of the year — Christmas. He did not allow the situation to overwhelm and control his thoughts.

Learning Points

Yes, money makes the world goes around. Does Kevin have money when he creates the plan to trap the burglars? Nope. He uses everything he has at home.

The clue is to use whatever resources we have currently. Do what we can first. Be creative and brave. Do anything within a calculated risk. Or you will drown.

Kevin is aware of his surroundings. He does not need higher education to be intelligent and wise. So, at this moment, if you are feeling hopeless in matters like jobs and marriage, think again.

Fresh grads today will be outdated grads in less than 5 to 10 years. You got to be wise. A divorce proceeding will come to a closure. How you want to move on in life for your better mental health and happiness is what you need to focus on.

Be still and know that I am God — Psalms

1-key is to believe in what you have not seen. When you ask for something in your prayer, you must believe that you already got it. And you will get it by His Will.

4 — If miracles do happen then no doubt wishes underneath a whisper of prayer do come true.

The Situation

Have you seen Kevin standing at the Christmas Tree in New York City during Christmas eve? He made wishes and prayers. He promised to behave, and all he wanted was to have Christmas with his family.

In another series, Kevin spoke to the family portrait at night. It got too quiet. He was not used to the silence at home. Usually, the house was filled with noise and arguments.

He enjoyed the initial days when his family seemed truly disappeared. But, he started to feel awkward and weird eventually. He wished they were around.

Learning Points

Miracles do happen. Besides the motherly instincts, be aware of your wishes. As for me, God only grants good wishes. Even if a mother makes a tongue lashing prayer to curse a child, I believe God will never be mean to grant it.

Remember God Is Love…

At 16, I spoke to one of my family members. She expressed her heartfelt emotions of being unable to forgive and forget. Years later, she felt their absence and began to look for happiness everywhere.

So, appreciate whoever is still alive even if they are annoying. Take a break from energy absorbers in the family if you need to. But, do not stay away from each other like you never acknowledge the blood ties anymore.

5 Everything is possible when you are creative and brave with moral values.

The Situation

Kevin was in New York City, and he stayed in a hotel alone. He had no choice but to be strong. When he saw the same burglars at the children toy’s shopping mall, he stopped them. He threw the brick to raise the alarm for the police to come.

Why did he do that? Kevin lived by good moral values. He knew the monies were going to the children’s hospital for charity during Christmas! Nobody taught Kevin how to respond during an emergency. Instead of feeling lost and uncomfortable, Kevin was creative and brave. He was a problem solver.

Learning Points

It is a gift if you are always thrown into the unknown and have to struggle to get into the light. It is called being in the growth mindset zone. You will learn something new.

Why do some people refuse to help others or stay in a place for too long? Often hidden within them is the behavior of being in a comfort zone. It is comfortable and safe.

Having good moral values is not about speaking gently to be seen as gentle with manners only. When problems come at the first stroke, how we react shows the real us.

A cheerful and calm spirit is nearest to God…

If you have anger issues and easily surge in anger to call out for a fight, you do not have the beauty of morals in you too. Seek help for anger management. The devil loves people who have anger issues.

6You will find strangers (or even your neighbors) coming to your help when your family turns you down.

The Situation

Kevin was afraid of the woman in the park with pigeons all over her. She seemed scary. But, she helped Kevin when the burglars almost gunned him down.

In another season, the grandpa nearby frightened him with his grumpy look. But, the grandpa helped Kevin when the burglars almost hurt him. Kevin tried to build a relationship with the grandpa. He talked to him and began to feel comfortable.

Learning Points

To some people, angels are spirits or that which has wings. But to some others, people who helped Kevin, are angels. As for me, the people who come during my dire trait are like having Hizir (Prophet Khidir) around.

We do not need to amplify our kindness to the mass public. People have eyes to witness and see for themselves. The Lord puts confirmation of peace as testimony in the heart of outsiders.

Let your moral values speak louder than your words. You do not need social media to prove how blessed you are. Give thanks to our God for the good people in our life.

Love is what makes the world go around wonderfully despite its turmoil. Keep that love within you alive.

For these, I thank all of you here in Medium. I did not write in between times lately. It is nice to get messages from people asking how I am doing. I thank you for keeping me in your prayers, even if you are not a Muslim. 💌 I greatly appreciate that too. 💌

Today’s reading recommendation from me:

I like you to spare some time to read an article from Tom Kuegler … Life is unpredictable, but it can be manageable with the shift of perspective too. I am reflecting and taking lessons from his article here.

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