
6 Techniques You Should Use To Get through A Tough Fast

Don’t let your fast break you. These 6 techniques will help you get through it.

Chauncey Simmons


Photo by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash

“The best of all medicines is resting and fasting”

— Benjamin Franklin

Lose Some Weight And Do It Fast!

Guys, believe me when I tell you I have been through the fasting wringer. Fasting for 2 or 3 days used to be a weekly occurrence for me. It wasn’t easy, but it gave me some great results on my weight loss journey.

I used to be 100 pounds heavier, and one day I decided to lose it. After doing some research, I found that fasting was better than killing myself in the gym. I am a gym enthusiast, but I do care about efficiency more.

Fasting is a natural process that the human body has evolved to do. We didn’t always have an abundance of food at our disposal. Human beings evolved to get through famine and food shortages. Naturally, fasting was a big part of that evolution.

Studies show that fasting allows the body to go through a process called autophagy. Autophagy involves the body killing old, weaker cells, and the new healthier cells are left, leaving you with the most optimal body you can have.

Even though it’s natural, it’s not necessarily easy. During my 2 or 3 day fasts, I would employ some tricks to get me through the more challenging times. With these tricks I’m about to share with you, I lost 100 pounds relatively quickly.

I Need Help, And I Need It Fast


Don’t go into your fast with your pants down. Prepare for it by eating less food and avoiding certain foods. Eating less will force your stomach to shrink down so that it needs less food to be satisfied. In turn, you’ll need fewer calories for the week.

Cuisine that is high in sugar and refined carbs will lead to cravings later. Have you ever noticed that when you eat a cookie, then 30 minutes after, you want another cookie? These are cravings that you should avoid.

Cravings during a fast will make it exponentially harder. Hunger is the natural enemy of fasting, and if you’re craving food all the time, hunger will win eventually. So avoid the brownies, cakes, and cookies before going into your fast.

Eat foods high in protein and even a little fat. Chicken breast, fish, or protein powders even are good pre-fast options. Good fats like avocado or almonds are also good to eat before your fast. Meals consisting of protein and fat will satisfy your stomach for an extended period.

Keep your mind off of food.

Thinking about food all the time will inevitably lead to you eating food. Keep yourself busy with other stuff like work, family, or TV shows. Also, hide all the snacks because you don’t need to look at them.

I would often go work out, which would take about 2 hours of my day. Listening to music would take another 2 hours, and then I would drive Uber and then sleep, which would take the remainder. Instead of eating snacks at home, I would often play video games or talk to family.

Get used to telling people, “No, thank you, I’m fasting”, when they try to deter you with food. Hopefully, you have friends and family who understand that you’re trying to get your body together. If not, stay away from the people who are trying to make you eat all the time.

Reduce your exercise.

Reducing exercise is more important for health reasons than anything. Since you are reducing your calories, it also makes sense to reduce your energy expenditures. Pushing yourself too hard may result in you having to end the fast early.

I had to learn this lesson the hard way. I was a crazy person who would squat 405 pounds after not eating for two days. Luckily I did not severely hurt myself, but, man, was I light-headed. Learn from my mistakes and reduce your exercise to a walk around the block or a light jog.

Know when to cut it short

Resiliency is a big part of fasting, but so is being smart. Many times during a fast, I didn’t want to quit. I thought if I quit, I was weak, or I wasn’t trying hard enough. I soon found out that was not the case whatsoever.

My heart would beat irregularly due to a lack of electrolytes that you get from salt in food. It was scary, to say the least, and I broke my fast immediately when it happened.

At first, I was confused as to why it happened. Soon, I realized I didn’t prepare for the fast correctly. Mainly due to me eating too many sweets and refined carbs.

Water is your best friend.

I did water fasting as opposed to dry fasting. I feel that water fasting is the safer route, plus I get to take showers. Drink as much water as you can during your fast because it gets you through many sticky situations.

Water now only quenches my thirst, but it also quells my hunger. I often thought that I was hungry, but then I would drink some water and go to the bathroom, and I would be fine. Tea and coffee are suitable substitutes for water if you want a little taste. But you can’t add stuff like sugar or honey; it has to be regular, I’m sorry.

Acknowledge all the weight you lost.

Losing weight is the fun part. Step on a scale and see what you’re doing is working. You’re not putting yourself through hell for no reason; you’re quickly losing weight. Reap the benefits of your hard work and dedication.

I would lose almost 10 pounds after fasting for three days. It’s sort of like getting paid after a long, hard week of work. There is light at the end of this fasting tunnel, and it’s oh so bright. Don’t lose sight of your goals because, in the end, it will all be worth it.


Let me be the first to tell you that fasting is challenging. Applying a strategic approach to your fast will yield the best results. With these six techniques, I’ve gotten through many fasts.

Eat the right foods before you fast so that you’re not craving anything. Cravings are the downfall of any diet.

Distract yourself so that you’re not thinking about food all the time. Cutting out these distractions may also lead to you figuring out what primes you to eat in the first place.

Lay off the hard-core exercise when you haven’t eaten for a long time. There is no point in pushing yourself when you don’t have the energy to do so.

Know when to call it quits because fasting can be dangerous if done wrong. Nothing wrong with ending a fast early and starting again next week.

I recommend you do a water fast, especially if you’re a beginner at fasting. Water can be a great help at staving off cravings and temptations.

Finally, reap the benefits and enjoy your new body. Fasting is difficult but worth it once you’re able to fit in your favorite jeans again!

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Chauncey Simmons
Writer for

Hello, I like writing about health and fitness. I also dabble in fictional and non-fictional stories that have important life lessons