But Why Do People Pretend?

…It’s so annoying…

Toyin Emmanuel
3 min readNov 17, 2021


Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

Walking down the street, you know full well that you are depressed, dejected, and in dire need of someone to talk to. Someone, who you can offload your problems on just to feel a bit better. I mean, a weight carried by two is better than that carried by one… right?

Your mom just passed on. In the same month, your fiancee, who stood by you through trying times… with whom you would soon tie the nuptial knot with… who told you she was never going to leave… well, you found out she lied. That very same month, a friend of yours who you held so much dear to your heart, someone who you did every other thing with… lost his life in a car accident. Just yesterday, the firm you put in so many years, hard work, and effort… got you sacked.

You are trudging down the road, a heavy burden on your chest, and you come across an acquaintance, “Hey bro. What’s up?” “I’m good” — that’s your reply. Good? GOOD? You even manage a miserable smile to mask the agony… all in a weak effort to… PRETEND.

To be honest, I think this world needs a reboot. Yes, someone or something needs to hit that reset button. Whoever instituted the attitude called pretense anyway? Who?

Hey folks, we don’t always have to conceal how we truly feel. Let it out. C’mon.

I think it’s high time we drop all these conventional melodramas called pretense and become brutally honest with ourselves.

More often than not, when we see a person with a frown, it’s in our nature to avoid them… why? Because they are not smiling? It’s funny considering those who treat others with a frown like the plague are not completely happy themselves. We don’t always have to smile when we are sad you know… (I’m at least sure it’s not written in any Constitution)… don’t always have to laugh and dance as if nothing’s happened when that 'thing' is gnawing our insides.

No… it doesn’t always have to be that way.

I feel that’s the major cause of suicide and suicidal thoughts. Think of it. Most times, someone who commits suicide feels that all hope is lost… why? It may be that those he/she call friends abandoned them… or even… they were too preoccupied pretending and seeming to be happy to pay any attention to the individual. Seeing no other way… no other person to confide in… to bear the load… they commit suicide.

But does it always have to be that way?

Must only one’s circle of friends be the only ones to lean on? I don’t think so. If everyone stops the pretense… if everyone deems it fit to express what and how they TRULY FEEL to others, I’m sure there would be little doubt as to how the world will turn out.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying everyone should carry a frown around the streets… far from it… but an unequivocal utterance and expression of how we sincerely feel in certain situations will go a long way.

…Just an opinion…

