100 and Under

Celebrating Your Milestone! 🥳 List of our 100 and Under Graduates 🙌

It was a pleasure having you but now it’s time to move on…

JS Adam


😢 Off you go my fellow over 100s 👋

Goodbyes are the hardest thing after “I love you” and “mummy has no money”. But everything comes to an end. It’s time for you to fly the nest.

My fellow (now) over 100s, you’ve made it to the other side, Carrie. A. Kelly and I (JS Adam) are honoured to have hosted your pieces in the course of your journey — albeit a short one.

From the bottom part of our hearts, Carrie and I would like to wish you all the best on your writing journey. Whether you choose to continue writing on Medium or not, remember we were there when you were at the start of your Medium journey. ❤️

If you’d like to give back to your fellow 100 and Under writers, please send us an article with your writing advice for the Guest Writer section.

As a 100 and Under graduate 🎓— you automatically become a guest writer. Wise, a few Medium articles under your belt and able to share your experience.

Please comment on this article if you’ve got over 100 followers so we can congratulate you and stalk you in the future! 👀

J and Carrie



JS Adam

Medium Top Writer. 4th Culture Kid. Mother of many. Wife of 1. Editor at ILLUMINATION. Owner of Art Tales