Famenism vs “Feminism”

Ishika Mishra
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2022
Photo by Jessica Podraza on Unsplash

“I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.”

Rebecca West

Feminism, an ideology due which I and many other girls and women in our society got the chance to reach new heights, take up space in society, and keep their perception in front of society. Feminism was needed and is still needed.

Although this ideology is very crucial for the whole society because a society can’t fully develop until and unless every section of the society is given the basic human rights which they deserve. However, some women have been misusing this ideology to save themselves for their wrong deeds or for their own personal benefits.

Crime against women was and still prevails in our society, I can’t say that feminism led to the reduction of crime against women but at least it changed the society’s mentality to such an extent that now people at least raise their voices against such crimes rather than keeping quiet.

In today’s era, this ideology has been wrongly interpreted, I still remember there was a debate going on in my class (in my school life, when I was in class 12th) on feminism and there was a boy who stood up and said that in 21st-century era feminism is all about girls consuming alcohol or smoking and posting about it on social media.

NO, IT’S NOT!!!!!!

The image of this beautiful ideology is being misled and misinterpreted and this is all happening because of some of the girls who set a wrong example in the society just for the sake of their own personal benefits.

Now I would take the most obvious example, the previous year only, a powerful social media influencer accused the Zomato delivery boy of hitting her on the nose as she refused to pay her bill to seek attention and get temporary fame.

Now the big part, a popular social media influencer who earns so much can’t even afford to pay 500–1000 bucks for her lunch, if she would really been following the ideology of feminism then she would have paid her bill honestly and would have also given some tip to a poor delivery boy barely earns for a living and would have been sympathetic and empathetic towards that poor man.

Feminism doesn’t mean sympathizing the society using your gender and to play the victim card, it means equality. This ideology was created to make the women of the society feel stronger not to have the feeling of self-pity. Feminism is not just about equality but it also means that if you have something in surplus then you can help the poor section of the society. Not to play the victim card that you go through periods but to help the girls of the economically weaker section by providing them with sanitary pads who die each year because of infection due to poor menstrual hygiene.

In the year 2020, there was a case of “Bois locker room” (many of you might be aware of it), well in this case also the girl tried to seek attention by creating a fake profile named “Siddharth’’ and it was the girl only who was sending such kind of filthy, obnoxious texts in the group.

Her destitution for fame was so intense that she created such a filthy scene.

Although the percentage of girls misusing this ideology is very less as compared to genuine cases of crime against women even such negligible cases are enough to ruin and tremble down the whole ideology and such women deserve to be put behind bars because this crime is as heinous as to actually commit a crime against women.

I would like to use the term “FAMENISM’’ for such kinds of people, those people would have done anything to seek attention but using the ideology of feminism was easiest for them. Trying to seek attention in the name of “FEMINISM” is not “FEMINISM” but “FEMINISM”.

We can’t blame the whole female gender, history is evident that whenever there has been some invention or introduction of ideology for the benefit of the whole of humanity, some people have been misusing it for their benefit. If there are good people with high mortality, there are also criminal-minded people who are toxic to the whole community.

Now here lies another thing, some people believe that feminism is not needed anymore, DO THEY KNOW THE GROUND REALITY??

Do they know what is exactly going on in Afghanistan or North Korea, the most unpredictable nations of the world?? I believe they should go through this country’s history, how the Taliban had treated women in past or how the North Korean leaders have treated their own citizens. Not just Afghanistan or North Korea but they should also know the condition of the countries in the middle east.

Just because they have seen women misusing the ideology of feminism or girls posting pictures of alcohol or cigarettes, or boys assuming that for girls in the 21st-century era feminism is all about wearing short clothes.

That’s not the whole reality !!!!!!!

That’s not even 0.01% of the whole reality. Before having such kind of shitty thoughts they should know that there are girls on other parts of the planet who are fighting for the most basic human rights day and night. Girls becoming a victim of human trafficking. Girls getting tortured to death because they asked for basic human rights such as education.

Feminism will be needed till the day women from these orthodox countries come out to achieve something, the day when women won’t be thinking twice before travelling at night, the day sexism will completely come to an end is the day we won’t be needing feminism.

Thank you!!



Ishika Mishra
Writer for

A 21 year old BBA finance technology student from India who is trying to be as optimistic as she can.