How to Live Your Dream Life

What's stopping you?

Alice K
4 min readSep 16, 2021


The word Dream on a sparkling background
Image by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I wanted to win the lottery so I could live my dream life. I had it all planned out in my head. Where I would live, the amazing things I would do, all of it there, waiting. Then I started talking to my family about retiring early and moving to Costa Rica. Again I was planning my best life before I was too old to enjoy it. But I have dependents and not enough money to retire yet. Have you been there? Do you have an ideal life mapped out in your head? What is keeping you from living your dream?

I thought that money was holding me back; having to work 40 hours a week meant that I couldn't do what I wanted. And to some extent this was true. But even if I suddenly had a lot of time and money on my hands, some of the changes I wanted to make weren't going to happen without some effort on my part.

Mind Map

One good way to narrow down what you want and how to get there is to make a mind map. To make mine I started with a poster board and either printed pictures or cut them out of magazines. Some were inspirational quotes and some were representations of what I wanted my life to look like: a drum kit, a group of friends laughing together, someone doing tai chi, a horseback rider, a beach, an airplane. You get the idea. I want to be active and fit, learn new things, and travel.

Once you have these representations you can place them in a pattern with the core desire in the middle and have them radiate out by importance or type. This is your project so you can do it however you like. There are no rules.
A mind map can not only help you sort your thoughts, it can also serve as a reminder. Looking at it can provide motivation and purpose. Sometimes when I look at mine I get a new idea or remember one I had forgotten.

Start Now

I realized looking at my mind map that there are a lot of things I can do now, that can carry over into my desired outcome. For example, in my vision of a perfect life I am trim, active, and flexible, doing tai chi on the beach as the sun rises. I might not live on the beach right now but I can learn tai chi. I can do things like yoga and hiking that will help me stay fit. I don’t have to wait until I have unlimited free time. If I want to learn how to play the drums, what’s stopping me from doing that now? Or if I want to paint, or learn Italian.

Some hobbies are cost-prohibitive. If you want to get a pilot’s license or own a horse you might have to wait. Others may take up a lot of time, like traveling extensively. But there are many ways to transform your life one small step at a time. If you want to own a horse, you can read about the requirements. You could take riding lessons. You could even look for a house with enough land and start building a shelter and a ring with used wood. The importance of your goal and the resources you have are your only constraints.

Take a Leap

I wanted to get out of the house and explore. I also want to have a more flexible career so I can move to that tropical beach. With those goals in mind, I signed up for a travel writing course. Then, to gain experience, I started a blog. I began going out on weekends and finding interesting things to write about. I don’t know if I will make money with my writing, but my life is certainly a lot more fun! I’ve written about my blog before, but if you’d like to see what I’ve been up to, you can take a look here.

Find something that will move you toward your ultimate goal and start doing it. You might want to start a van conversion as a weekend project. Maybe you'd like to volunteer with a local theatre company or write a book. I love to hike, take pictures, and write so the blog is a perfect hobby for me. Most of us can find a few hours a week to do something that inspires us. Take that leap!

Dream Big

One of the quotes on my mind map is, "Dream big dreams. Pray big prayers." Don’t do what I was doing and let a whole year, or your whole life, speed by without enjoying it. If you have a big dream, break it down into smaller actions you can take to prepare and put those actions on your map. You might be surprised at how much you can accomplish one step at a time.


You might have read about the power of your subconscious mind or manifesting. Using your mind map, focusing on your dream, and taking steps to make it a reality can convince your subconscious that it is a reality, thus bringing it about. If you’d like to know more about “The Power of your Subconscious Mind,” Dr. Joseph Murphy wrote a book on it. It’s a fascinating read.

So remember, to live your dream life you have to start somewhere. Don't let your current circumstances stop you. Dream big! Start taking baby steps toward your goal and believe it will happen. You might be surprised at the doors and windows that suddenly open for you.

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Alice K

Freelance writer/photographer located in Texas, working on my blog and my seventh book.