How to Stop Giving a damn about Others’ Opinions

saanvi jarmal
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2024

Currently, most of us are living with a mindset that we must be accepted, loved and appreciated by everyone we’ve ever met

self company is the best, non toxic company ever

We’re too busy thinking about others that most of us have completely forgotten ourselves. Personally, even I went through a phase like this but once I changed my mindset, once I decided that I didn’t want to be enslaved by someone else’s opinion about me, I started thriving! And now I’m here to help you look at the bigger picture.

Seeking Validation from others:

So many of us out here are busy seeking validation from others just to feel good about ourselves, that if anyone speaks ill about us we completely breakdown.

Immediately our confidence, self-respect and happiness gets depleted and it’s just because some random person said trash about us. We’re so busy seeking validation from strangers that we’ve completely forgotten about ourselves.

We reluctantly, yet subconsciously, gave them the keys to our happiness. It is almost as if it’s now up to them how our perception of ourselves ought to be.

It’s not us who are defining ourselves, but rather someone else.

How sad is that?


Start spending time with yourself. If you need to cut off people, CUT THEM OFF.

No one can ruin your mental peace, your confidence and your energy by themselves. That’s only going to happen if you let them. Stop caring about others’ opinions about you. They’re not living your life, they’re definitely not going through what you are, so obviously their opinion about you? that doesn’t matter.

Just think of it in this way. The amount of time they wasted on giving THEIR opinion about YOU, they could’ve instead worked on themselves to become a better person. So you should feel obligated that these random people are actually taking time out off their routine to talk about you. How funny is that?!

Make your mindset so strong that you don’t really have to care about others. You have yourself and that should be enough. If it isn’t, then my friend, you have to work really hard on yourself, building your self love and confidence because this world is filled with idle people who are going to judge the way you dress, talk, look etc. There’s always going to be a group of friends hating on you, or a “daddy’s princess” spreading a load of nonsense about you but genuinely, how does it matter?

You know you, your friends also know you, your family knows you. That should be enough. These are the only people whose opinions are worth thinking about.

The rest of the world? That’s just your personal paparazzi! Just smile babe and thrive because once you do, these random people? They’re burning off jealousy because they will ultimately realise what a successful person you really are and that they just wasted their own time. And that day, will be the best day of your life.

Just work on yourself, be greedy, and stay connected with the people that genuinely care about you and are also aiming for a better future. Once you start doing this, you’re already a winner.

It’s been a while since I’ve written here. The past year was very busy for me with my board examinations and senior high starting. One of my 2024 resolutions was to start writing again and here I am doing it. Stay tuned for weekly self-help, motivation and life lesson articles.


saanvi jarmal



saanvi jarmal
Writer for

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